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Ordered Player List


  // Every how many ticks order changes should be checked and updated
  "updateRate": 5,
  // Display prefix metadata above the player
  "displayPrefix": true,
  // Display suffix metadata above the player
  "displaySuffix": true,
  // A list of comparisons, applied top to bottom.
  // In this example, rank weight will be checked first, then people with same rank weight will be sorted by playtime...
  "order": [
      "key": "weight",
      "reversed": true,
      "mode": "integer",
      "type": "metadata"
      "placeholder": "player:statistic",
      "argument": "play_time",
      "reversed": true,
      "mode": "integer",
      "type": "placeholder"
      "placeholder": "player:pos_y",
      "reversed": false,
      "mode": "double",
      "type": "placeholder"
      "placeholder": "player:statistic",
      "argument": "deaths",
      "reversed": false,
      "mode": "integer",
      "type": "placeholder"
      "placeholder": "player:name",
      "reversed": false,
      "mode": "string",
      "type": "placeholder"


Comparisons allow to define how players should be ordered in the player list. They are applied top to bottom. That means if a comparison was evaluated to be equal for two players, the next one down will be used to determine player order instead.

It may sometimes be beneficial to interpret data as an integer or a floating point number, instead of string comparisons. Parsing modes are used to tell the mod how it should interpret a string to apply the correct comparison method. Available parsing modes are integer, string, double, long and boolean!

There are currently two different comparison types available:


Useful for player comparison based on metadata from mods like luckperms

  // Metadata key that should be checked against
  "key": "<key>",
  // Whether the comparison should be reversed
  "reversed": false,
  // Parsing mode
  "mode": "<mode>",
  "type": "metadata"


Allows for player comparison using placeholders

  // Placeholder id (without %)
  "placeholder": "<placeholder>",
  // Optional argument used in placeholders
  "argument": "<argument>",
  // Whether the comparison should be reversed
  "reversed": false,
  // Parsing mode
  "mode": "<mode>",
  "type": "placeholder"


This mod sends fake vanilla teams to the players in order to manipulate the displayed player list order. If you are using teams to change player collisions, nametag / glow color or nameTagVisibility you can use meta keys to replicate this behaviour.

Meta Key Description Default
color This is used for glow and nametag color (use Color Codes) reset
collision Player collisions are calculated client side, if you wish to disable player collisions, set this to false true
nameTagVisible Whether or not nametags should be displayed above the player true
prefix Team prefix used for nametag rendering ""
suffix Team suffix used for nametag rendering ""


  • Some features from custom teams, that are being calculated by the client (glow color, collisions, nametag visibility) may not work properly (see Features)
  • Players in spectator mode will always be displayed at the bottom of the list

External resources

Project members



Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID