Ore Apples

Ore Apples


New ore apples and new special effects for new apples! This is the first mod I've shared so it might be a little rookie.

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Created25 days ago
Updated17 days ago

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New ore apples and new special effects for new apples! This is the first mod I've shared so it might be a little rookie.

This mode adds new ore apples to the game, for example:

1-Coal apple : Grants Slow Falling 2 grants for 9 minutes grants 1.5 hunger bar refills 0.3 saturation

2-Iron apple: Gives Strength 2 for 9 minutes gives 2 fills 3 hunger bars gives 0.4 satiety

3-Copper apple: Gives unlucky 2 for 9 minutes fills 1.5 hunger bar fills 0.4 satiety

4-Lapis Apple: Gives water breathing 2 for 9 minutes fills 1.5 hunger bar fills 0.5 satiety

5-Emerald Apple: Grants the village hero 2 for 9 minutes 2.5 fills 2.5 hunger bar 0.5 saturation

6-Diamond Apple: 35 Minutes grants Haste 3,Strength 3,Healt Boost 3,Healt Boost 3,Night Vision 3, fills 3 hunger bars, grants 2 saturation

7-Redstone Apple: 9 minutes gives Speed 2 fills 1.5 hunger bar fills 0.5 satiety fills

8-Quartz Apple: Gives 9 minutes of Night Vision 1.5 fills the hunger bar 0.3

9-Netherite apple: 35 Minute Haste 5,Strength 5,Healt Boost 5,Healt Boost 5,Night Vision 5, 4 fills hunger bar, 5 fills satiety bar



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