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Phase's Discord Rich Presence

A mod that adds simple and light Discord Rich Presence into Minecraft!


Minecraft 1.20.6

Fabric Loader >=0.15.10

Fabric API >=0.97.8

How to use

To start, simply have Discord open, either in the background or on your desktop and as long as the config is set to be turned on, then you should see Discord Rich Presence using this mod!


The config is short and simple while trying to be as flexable as possible for you!

The config screen can be accessed in your Minecraft options using the MidnightLib icon!

(If you are using ModMenu, the config may not appear. To fix this, go in your ModMenu settings and turn on visability for libraries and then go to the MidnightLib Library and switch the config setting from ModMenu to Yes) image_config


Feel free to contribute to this project as it's available under the MIT license. Find any issues or have a suggestion, report it on Github!

Thanks to MidnightLib for the GUI Library!

Thanks to Amitojs-Minecraft-RPC-Fabric for the base for this mod! This was so helpful!

External resources

Project members



Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID