Pixel Loot Changelog - 1.3 Release
New Additions (+)
New command /PixelLoot GiveMilestone
New configurable message in lang.yml
1.16.5 Release
Fixes and Balances (=)
- None
Removals (-)
- None
/pixelloot givemilestone {milestoneid} {player} {rewardid}
** Permissions: pixelloot.command.givemilestone**
** If rewardId is left blank the command will choose a reward based on the percentage chance**
Pixel Loot Changelog - 1.3 Release
New Additions (+)
- New command /PixelLoot GiveMilestone
- New configurable message in lang.yml
- 1.16.5 Release
Fixes and Balances (=)
- None
Removals (-)
- None
/pixelloot givemilestone {milestoneid} {player} {rewardid}
** Permissions: pixelloot.command.givemilestone**
** If rewardId is left blank the command will choose a reward based on the percentage chance**
Pixel Loot Changelog - 1.2 Release
New Additions (+)
- New Dynamic Reward System: Implemented a new reward system called Milestones.
- Added Unown form capturing
- Added Milestones for Unown
- Added new language configurations for Unown
- Added new Player json storage for Unown
Fixes and Balances (=)
- Optimized data loading: Player data is now loaded in faster way when loading on Spigot servers (None spigot servers still use the old data loading)
Removals (-)
- Removed checks for unown in certain event triggers
Pixel Loot Changelog - 1.1 Release
New Additions (+)
- Dynamic Reward System: Implemented a new reward system triggered by winning raids.
- Added /pixelloot givereward command.
- Added new configurations for raids in config.yml
- Added new configurable messages in lang.yml
Fixes and Balances (=)
- Optimized Reward Distribution: Rewrote percentage calculator on reward checks.
Removals (-)
- None
/Pixelloot givereward command functions as way server admins can give rewards from the config to players.
Usage: /Pixelloot givereward {rewardtype} {player} {rewardID}
the permission pixelloot.command.givereward is required to use this command.
Pixel Loot Changelog - Initial Release
New Additions (+)
Dynamic Reward System: Implemented a new reward system triggered by various in-game events such as defeating wild Pokémon, capturing legendaries, and battling bosses. Customizable Rewards: Added functionality to customize rewards for each event, including items, Pokémon, or command-executable actions. Extensive Configuration Options: Introduced a comprehensive configuration system, allowing server administrators to tailor the mod to their specific needs. Enhanced Player Experience: Integrated new reward mechanisms to provide a more engaging and rewarding gameplay for players.
Fixes and Balances (=)
Optimized Reward Distribution: Ensured a balanced and fair distribution of rewards, preventing exploitation and maintaining game balance. Improved Mod Integration: Refined compatibility with Pixelmon and Forge, ensuring smooth operation and enhanced user experience. User Interface Tweaks: Adjusted the mod's user interface for better clarity and accessibility.
Removals (-)
No features were removed in this initial release. All elements are focused on adding to and enhancing the Pixelmon experience.