


Adds our custom plushy collection in to Minecraft.

Client and server Decoration

Createda year ago
Updated6 months ago

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What is Plushy+?

Plushy+ is a mod that adds a few dolls/plushies to the game, over time we will add more plushies to the mod.

Who is this mod for?

Plushy+ is for whom ever wants it, if you don't like the mod simple don't download it and don't user it, if it's on a server your on, just don't make them, Minecraft is about playing your game your way, so don't let anyone change your story within Minecraft.

Plushy+ News:

Plushy+ is back, we have 13 plushies at this time, this works on local and servers, and our recipes are much more simpler with no more stuffer, the reason for this change was to make it easier for/ users to use it whom are new to modding and also to fix a server bug we had, we also added a new fabric and new version of one of the fox's.

Can I use Plushy+ in my ModPack?

Plushy+ is a mod for users to use, so yes, use it in your ModPack, just never try and take credit for our work.

contact us?

Join us on our discord and help us better our mods here

Supporting The Mods?

Would you like to support us? consider our patreon, to help keep our lights on and our tummies full. thanks guys, if you make videos and love our mods, consider making a review video, can't do these two things? then simple, Follow us on twitter, and comment on this page to tell us what you like and dislike about our work.

Most importantly ENJOY yourself.

External resources

Project members



Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID