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✨ Productive Plants ✨

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A Fabric mod that adds a few farming utilities to make your life just a little bit easier.

Client Features

Mature Crop Effects - It's time to bring a little bit of sparkle to your farms.

Mature crops will be given a (configurable) particle effect to help them stand out against crops that still need to catch up a little bit.

Early Harvest Prevention - Stop killing your crops before it's time.

Immature crops will dodge your wild harvesting, so you can ravage through your farm without worry. This is temporarily deactivated while crouching.

Server Features

Trample Prevention - Stop sneaking around your farms in fear.

Cropland will no longer be trampled by any entity.


This mod supports configuration via editing the productive-plants.json5 file or while in-game via the ModMenu screen. Server features are only configurable in-game when in single player.


  • YACL (Yet Another Config Library)

Project members



Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID