Promenade has been updated to run on Minecraft 1.21.4!
This version contains a reworked Carnelian Treeway and Dark Amaranth Forest with new trees and blocks. The mod's code was also massively changed, meaning you could find new bugs, even if I'm very confident the mod has never been that much stable.
The mod also no longer requires the Dawn API. It also features a new licence.
This changelog tries to be concise with this update. If you want more information, you can visit the fresh new wiki:
- Added Cherry and Pale Oak Leaf Piles
- Added Fallen Maple Leaves
- Please note that this block will be updated for the Spring to Live drop (1.21.5)
- Added Snowy Leaves for all existing leaves blocks
- Added the Dark Amaranth Forest to the Nether generation
- This means the biome no longer exist in the End
- Added the Coiled Vines
- Added the Soul Shroomlight
- Added Tube and Brain Sunken variants
- Added Shiba Inu wolves
- They are found within sakura grove biomes
- Added the Bovine banner pattern
- Added a proper creative item tab for all Promenade items
- Added support for the following languages:
- French
- Spanish
- Dutch
- Polish
- Ukrainian
- Russian
- Japanese
- Traditional Chinese
- Simplified Chinese
- Older worlds will now try to save most renamed blocks and items to prevent data loss
- Sunken Skeletons have been renamed to "Sunken"
- Leaf particles now spawn from leaves instead of the biome
- Please note that these will be updated again for the Spring to Live drop
- Capybara fart sounds have been updated and has new ambient sounds
- Textures were updated for:
- Sakura & maple saplings
- Sakura logs
- Maple leaves
- Maple leaf particles
- Lowered blunite and asphalt natural generation
Technical Changes
- Configuration of the mod is now done manually in the
file. Documentation for this configuration can be found on the wiki. - Sunken variants are now data-driven
- Duck variants are now data-driven
- Renamed Black Dylium to Dark Amaranth Nylium (and is now netherrack-based instead of end stone)
The mod now features data generation. This means the paths to a ton of asset and data files have changed. If you have created mods, modpacks, resource packs or data packs involving Promenade, you have to check again for proper compatibility.
Note: a feature becoming data-driven means you can append new features of yourself. Visit the wiki for more information.
- Carpeted Grass Blocks have been removed and will be replaced with Grass Blocks in existing worlds
Fixed bugs
- #111 - Dispensers do not spawn entities with Promenade's spawn eggs
- #140 - Loot tables lack random sequence
- #145 - Dark Amaranth Fungus don't grow into huge fungi
- #156 - (1.20.1) Some Pressure Plates Do Not Stop Water
- #164 - Sakura Groves try to use the nonexistent music provider promenade:music.overworld.sakura_groves
- #167 - Carpeted Grass Blocks' particles are colored
- #174 - Carpeted grass blocks have Z-Fighting textures
- #188 - Promenade for 1.20 causes TerraBlender "deferred placeholder" biome to generate
- #196 - Sakura Hanging Sign looks NOT like sakura.
- #197 - Crashes with latest version of the Sounds mod
- #200 - Bamboo can generate through sakura blossoms in sakura groves
- #201 - Breaking snowy leaves using shears gives infinite snowballs
- #202 - Palm hanging leaves do not drop anything
This patch fixes worldgen issues with unclosed Minecraft instances. This was caused by Biolith and has been fixed since then. Sorry for the delay!
This release of Promenade marks the end of requiring TerraBlender to be installed. Biome placement is now managed by Biolith, which is directly bundled with Promenade.
This also brings back the Dark Amaranth biomes in the natural world generation!
Fixed Bugs
- #117 - Dark Amaranth biomes won't generate correctly
Promenade has been updated to run on Minecraft 1.20 and 1.20.1!
Changelogs will now be fancier thanks to the establishment of a new workflow. This workflow also allows updates to be more easy to make. This version is incompatible with older versions.
This is the first update of the mod since I've passed 15 million downloads across all my mods!! Thank you all for the support! 😁
- Added Palm Hanging Leaves
- Carbonite has been renamed to Asphalt
- The shape of leaves on palms have been reworked
- Textures have been updated for:
- Palm wood set and leaves
- Maple wood set
- Sakura trapdoor and door
- Capybaras
- Sakura wood and blossom sounds are now the same as the new cherry wood type
- The held Moai item model has been rotated
- The colors of Promenade's blocks on maps have been tweaked
Block properties have received a major update in Minecraft 1.20. If you stumble upon anything weird (opacity, resistance to tools/TNT, behaviors with piston), please report them!
Technical changes
- The maximum distance palm leaves can be attached to logs has been updated from 6 to 13
- Added some common tags (see in-game or PR #130)
Code changes
- Updated GitHub actions
- Now automatically sends the latest beta translations to Crowdin
- Now automatically releases the mod on multiple platforms when a GitHub release is created.
Fixed bugs
- #94 - Palms have some decaying leaves
- #119 - Game crashes when placing Moai while facing up or down
- #121 - Stripped Logs and Wood do not have common stripped tag
- #123 - Capybaras fart too often
- #126 - Recipes advancements for modded boats are missin
- #127 - Duck food takes too much time to cook in smokers
- #136 - Some map colors are incorrect
- Added Moai
- Added "Brise couleur pastel", a new soundtrack composed by LudoCrypt that will play in Sakura Groves
- Updated the mod's logo and icon
- Added Snowy Spruce Leaves (found in Glacarian Taiga)
- Added Glacarian Taiga, the snowiest taiga biome yet
- Renamed "Cherry Oak" to "Sakura". This makes older worlds incompatible with this version.
- Updated for 1.19.3
- Added Capybaras
- Added signs and boats for all wood types
- Reworked a ton of textures, especially the Palm logs
- Added the "Don't Worry, Be Sappy!" advancement
- Removed Pumpkin Pastures and Autumn trees, leaves
- Added the Carnelian Treeway biome
- Added Vermilion, Fulvous, Mikado and Sap Maple trees
- Added Maple wood set
- Added Maple Syrup
- Settings for mob spawning now enable changing value from 0 to 100
- Fix #89: Blueberries have thorns but shouldn't
- Removed the Nether Galleries and Taller Nether Forests
- Updated to 1.19
- Fix #38: Black Dylium is not spreadable
- Fix #63: Dark amaranth features do not generate
- Fix #87: Leaf piles cannot be broken with water
- Revamped dark forest witch huts. They're brand new!
- Added Mangrove Leaf Pile
- Goats can now lose their horns when ramming into cherry oak logs
- Move builtin world generation to datapack content
- Added 3 new advancements in the adventure category
- Changed the grass color of cherry oak forests
- Fix #77: Nether biome generation is turned off by default (I am very sorry)
- Added missing biome tags. This makes vanilla structures now appear in the mod's biomes.
- Added TerraBlender compatibility. If you want the biomes to spawn, use this mod until the Fabric API gets a biome API.
- Added rare foxes and pandas spawns to cherry oak forests
- Added rocks and decorated gravel pools to cherry oak forests
- Added bamboo plants and lily pads to cherry oak forests
- Added cherry blossom particles to cherry oak forests
- Nerfed blunite and carbonite patch sizes
- Blueberries can now be crafted into blue dye
- Modified sounds of cherry oak leaves
- Updated the shape of palm trunks and palm leaves
- Fix #56: Bone mealing an oak autumn sapling generates a birch tree
- Updated textures for cherry oak wood and leaves
- Updated the shape of cherry oak trees
- Added azalea and flowering azalea flowering piles
- Wandering traders can now sell cherry and autumn saplings
- Added Farming for Blockheads compatibility
- Fixed #46: Dark amaranth stem top texture no longer matches other veiny stems from the Nether
- Fixed #44: Palm trees do no generate
- Fixed #50: Potted plants are not in the minecraft flower pot tags
- Fixed #49: Dark Aramanth Stems can be used as fuel in furnaces
- Fixed #45: Witches huts can generate in the sky