Province of Music

Province of Music


The Ultimate Wynncraft Music Mod. This mod allows you to record the noteblocks of the songs that appear in Wynncraft and convert it to a midi file. In the future this mod will allow you to replace the in-game songs with any music file you wish.

Client AdventureManagementOptimizationUtility

Created6 months ago
Updated6 months ago

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What does Province Of Music do?

This mod allows you to record the noteblocks of the songs that appear in Wynncraft and convert it to a midi file. In the future this mod will allow you to replace the in-game songs with any music file you wish.

The point of the midi recorder is to allow for music remixes to be made faster and easier. These remixes will be able to be used in the future for replacing the in-game songs in Wynncraft server. When this feature is available, people will no longer have to worry about laggy noteblock music and enhance the it to make it less boring and more emersive. If you decide to make any of these yourself please credit the original composers in the description. Thier names can be found on the "Wynncraft Soundtrack" youtube channel. Although you don't have to credit me, it is always welcome. If you allow people to use the remixes/remakes for use in-game using this mod and I have not already contacted you please contact me through my discord server.

Video of a Remix made using the mod:

Video of how to use the mod:

More information about Wynncraft Music remakes can be found on my youtube channel using the links above aswell as the list of channels that have given me permission to use their songs.

I would like to clarify that currently only the midi-recorder is implemented. The music replacer is being worked on and should be in the mod in some form soon.

This mod has been made compatible with Voices of Wynn, and Wynntils

Huge Credit to Minemano for the original midi recorder mod.

How do I record Midi files with this mod?

To start a recording hit the button for the MusicYoinkerRecordMidi bind the default for this is "R" To end the recording hit the button again. The recording will not end until you hit the button.

Minecraft keybinds menu showing the bind MusicYoinkerRecordMidi

After the recording is made navigate to the mod menu using Minecrafts main menu or pause menu. This will not show up if you dont have the ModMenu mod installed.

Minecraft's main menu with a big arrow pointing at the mods button from the mod menu mod

In the mod menu find the Province Of Music mod element from the list of mods on the left. Click it, and then click the configure button in the top right.

an arrow pointing at the Province Of Music element of the mods list and another one pointing at the configure button

If there are any recordings they should appear in a list on the left side. If you want to figure out which recording is which click the modify file button and or the name of the file in the list. In this menu is a replay button, to see which on it is. If you want to do anything else also click the modify file button.

The configure menu showing a list of csv files with an arrow pointing at the first element

In the modify file menu, you can export the csv file to a midi which will put it here: ".minecraft/provinceofmusic/exported-music", you can replay it by hiting the replay button, hitting the button again will stop the replay, or delete the recording by hitting the X button in the bottom right. This will only remove the recording not the export. You can also delete the view the file by hitting the "Open Folder" button.

Note that using a 3rd Party launcher will just mean that it puts it into the instance folder instead of .minecraft.

an image of the recording edit menu with arrows pointing at every button and explaining their function

After following these steps you can now put the exported midi file into any music editor you wish.

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Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID