QuestUtils - 0.4.0
on Jan 26, 2023QuestUtils 0.4.0
- Depends on McJtyLib 3.5.0!
QuestUtils - 0.3.1
on Jan 26, 2023QuestUtils 0.3.1
- Needs McJtyLib 3.1.0
- New 'ignore NBT' and 'ignore Meta' options with the item comparator
QuestUtils - 0.3.0
on Jan 26, 2023QuestUtils 0.3.0
- The 'qu list', 'qu save', and 'qu load' commands now support an optional radius parameter. Using that you can (for example) say things like: 'qu save filename.json * 50' which will save everything in a radious of 50 around the players position
- The 'qu save' command will give feedback on how many objects were saved
- New 'qu help' command that shows more detailed information on how the commands work
- Fixed a bug where the pedestal would not remember it's ID
- New feature in the item comparator to have the ability to 'lock' input slots to a given item (using 'Remember' and 'Forget' buttons)
- New reward chest which is a chest that also has an ID and is able to save/restore it's contents using the 'qu load' and 'qu save' commands. If you open the GUI of this chest with a key in your hand you get the ability to edit the ID. Otherwise you can only access the chest
QuestUtils - 0.2.0
on Jan 26, 2023QuestUtils 0.2.0
- Added first version of an API
QuestUtils - 0.1.0
on Jan 26, 2023QuestUtils 0.1.0
- Made compatible with the latest McJtyLib (3.0.0)
QuestUtils - 0.1.0-alpha
on Jan 26, 2023QuestUtils 0.1.0-alpha
- Made compatible with the latest McJtyLib (3.0.0)
on Jan 26, 20230.0.4:
- New 'control key' item. This item is needed to be able to open the GUI of all the blocks in this mod. It is a creative item meant for the pack developer so he/she can setup everything. Normal players will usually not have that key
- The screen features like size, transparency, and color are no longer controllable with a wrench or with dye from within the world. Instead these settings can now only be changed using the GUI
- The pedestal now has 4 modes: display, interact, take, and place. In display mode the player has no influence on the item that is in display. In interact mode the player can take or place items in the pedetal, in take mode the player can only take the item that is in it and in place mode the player can only place an item in the pedestal
- When an item is in the pedestal it will send out a redstone signal
on Jan 26, 2023First alpha release of Quest Utils