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This mod contains the rascal from the Minecraft mob vote 2022.

If you found him you have to interact with him so that he can notice it that you found him.

And will drop an item after you found it at least 3 times

and it will happily giggle around when interacting with him.

You can find them underground.

After he drops a pickaxe you cant play with him for 3 minutes.

Item drop list:

-Pickaxe with random enchantment

-Iron Shovel with random enchantment


-Night Vision Potion

-Torches 1-10

-Glow Berries 1-5

-Potatoes 1-5

-Carrots 1-5

-Coals 1-5

-Iron ores 1-5

-Gold ores 1-5

You can change the spawn settings in the Structure modifier json file (in the 1.19.2 version).

Thanks for the suggestions ITalkRebel (curseforge)!

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Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID