Redstone Computer Utilities

Redstone Computer Utilities


Lightweight and Modular Redstone Computer Debugging Tools.

Server Game MechanicsLibraryUtility

Created2 years ago
Updateda year ago

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  • Empowers programs in any programming language (as long as it supports JSON and TCP) to debug redstone computers
    • Specially, a Python library is provided to simplify development
      • The Python library uses asynchronous network communication, features high-level APIs and a user-friendly CLI and supports static typing.
  • Supports redstone wires in any sizes and shapes from horizontal, vertical to even diagonal ones
  • Completions and suggestions for every argument of all commands
  • Server-side-only implementation, fully compatible with vanilla clients
  • Compatibility with tick speed controlling, stepping and pausing implemented by other mods
  • Built-in English and Simplified Chinese translations


This mod supports Minecraft 1.16-1.19.3 and requires Java 17, the latest Fabric Loader and the latest Fabric API.

Only server-side installation is required for multiplayer and client-side installation is required for singleplayer.

Python 3.7.2 or newer (CPython or PyPy) is required to use the provided Python library.

$ pip install redstone-computer-utilities


# pyproject.toml
redstone-computer-utilities = "^0.2.0"

Basic Usage

  1. Execute /rcu to receive a wand item (or pick a pink dye by yourself).
  2. Attach target blocks to redstone wires of your redstone mechanics to be debugged.
  3. Left click with the wand item to select the most significant bit, right click to select the least significant bit.
  4. Execute /rcu new [interface name] to create an interface.
  5. Write debugging program and wrap it as a script.
  6. Start up the script.
  7. Execute /rcu run [script name] [interface name] to run the script.

You may also accelerate tick speed if it takes too long.

Check the GitHub repository NKID00/redstone-computer-utilities for details.

External resources

Project members



Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID