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3/31/24: 1.5.0

Refooled is finally available for 1.20.1, just in time for April Fool's Day!

WARNING: Older worlds (1.18.2 and older) will not work with this version.


  • GeckoLib is now a dependency
  • Heart of Gold (When equipped, the game's visuals are changed client-side to resemble 15w14a)
  • Nerd Glasses (Rare drop from Nerd Creepers)
  • Heart Arrow (New ammo for Cupid Bow)
  • Crab (based on 2023 Mob Vote)
  • Crab Claw (Destroys 3x3x3 block area when right-clicked)
  • Penguin (based on 2023 Mob Vote)
  • Redstone Sand (Sand that powers redstone)
  • Redstone Bug Nest (New Redstone Bug spawners found in the Neither)


  • Several mobs now use GeckoLib for their animations.
  • Item IDs changed for Reality Vision and Ankle Monitor.
  • Smarter Watch is now shown as a 2D item in the inventory.
  • Hardness, blast resistance, and map colors have been adjusted for several blocks to match their vanilla counterparts.
  • "Monster of the Ocean Depths?" and "Hovering Inferno?" now have updated names ("Barnacle?" and "Wildfire?" respectively).
  • Redstone Bugs now spawn with random shades of red just like their original counterparts.
  • Foliage, water, and grass tints in the Neither have been changed in order to accompany new structures.
  • Redstone Flower has a new texture AND it can once again be used to power redstone!
  • Redstone Flower no longer has a tint.
  • All Vote Update items have been moved to their proper Creative tabs, and all other vanilla April Fool's items in the Creative menu have been rearranged for 1.20.1.
  • Changed texture and crafting recipe for Cupid Bow.
  • Pinkite texture has been slightly changed.
  • Neither Stone now uses grass tint instead of foliage tint.
  • The Neither is now more randomized than ever!
  • Reality Vision now applies the "Scan Pincushion" in-game shader when worn.
  • Box of Infinite Books now uses vanilla texture variant handling as opposed to randomly selected textures.
  • Soul Shield can now be used as an actual shield, AND still shoot projectiles!
  • Pink Roses now only spawn in Flower Forest biomes, as to not clutter other grassy biomes.
  • Character dialogue has been changed to make more sense and be more consistent.
  • Several other miscellaneous changes


  • Vote Update tails would become separated from the player while sneaking.
  • Helmet overlays showed up in third-person (This bug has existed since the first version for 1.16.5).
  • The hitboxes for Red, Blue, and Yellow doors would only show up when looking at the lower half.

5/25/23: 1.4.0

Another April Fool's Day has come and gone, which means Refooled now has even more content!


  • Curios API is now a dependency
  • Love Golem (Built like an Iron Golem, except with Pinkite instead of Iron)
  • Mars (Creative-exclusive, at the moment)
  • Minecraft Store* (spawns in the Plains and Meadow biomes)
  • Minecraft Store Creative Tab*
  • Miner's Helmet* (protects player from falling sand or gravel)
  • Name Change* (Multi-use alternative to Name Tags)
  • Creeper Saddle* (Allows you to ride Creepers)
  • TNT on a Stick (Allows you to steer Creepers while riding them)
  • Secret Griefer Identity* (It's refoolin' time!)
  • Enhancement Pill* (Makes you harder, better, faster, and stronger!)
  • Response From Support* (Right-click with it and see what happens)
  • Regular Padlock* (Doesn't actually do much right now)
  • Flare (It's like a Glare but hotter. This is a reference to Mojang's early April Fool's joke for 2023 which allowed players to set the Minecraft Launcher on fire and extinguish it.)
  • Flame (Dropped by Flares)
  • Flame Block (Sets entities on fire and has the same "infiniburn" properties as Netherrack)
  • Cheese Block^ (Obtained from The Moon or by walking over Liquid Cheese with Frost Walker boots)
  • The Moon^ (A new "dimension" accessed by ascending up to Y level 700)
  • Moon Launch Block^ (Walk on it to start rapidly flying up to the moon!)
  • ACME Self-Building Lunar Base Core^ (Replaces the Dropper on the Lunar Rover structure)
  • Copper Spleaves^
  • Copper Sink^
  • Pickaxe Block^
  • Place Block^ (Functions a bit differently from its original counterpart)
  • Bit, Tags, and Sssyntax Error^ (None functional as of yet)
  • Bottle of Ray Tracing^ (Reference to Bottle of Mob)
  • Splash Bottle of Ray Tracing^ (Reference to Splash Bottle of Mob)
  • Bottle of Void^
  • Le Tricolore^
  • La Baguette^
  • Longer String^
  • Moon Cows^
  • Potion of the Mighty Midas^
  • Tails^ (10 different types, each equippable as Curios accessories)
  • Voting Booth^ (Still in development)
  • Beret and Mustache^ (equippable as a Curios accessory)

(*) = reference to Minecraft's 2011 April Fool's joke

(^) = reference to 23w13a_or_b (The Vote Update)


  • The textures of several blocks and items have been completely overhauled for better vanilla consistency, including Power Hearts, Bedrock Bricks, Pink Wither Blaster, Pink Wither Altar, and more!
  • Etho Slab now functions more like its original counterpart
  • Cheese Bucket has been moved to the Refooled Creative Tab
  • Renamed "Fake Water Block" to "Water Block", and it has also been immensely improved
  • The Neither is now all one big messy biome with every feature present
  • In an effort to improve performance, the ores in the Neither now have completely different textures and models


  • Structure generation in the Neither should no longer cause continuous errors in the game's log

Project members



Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID