Reincarnation Origins: Werewolf

Reincarnation Origins: Werewolf


Adds the Werewolf Origin to minecraft! The Werewolf can shift forms, become an unstoppable force of the night!

Client and server AdventureCursedEquipmentGame Mechanics

Created6 months ago
Updated6 months ago

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This mod is used in the Reincarnation Modpack.


The Reincarnated Werewolf is entirely custom made. Transform into three different variants of the werewolf each with different strengths and weaknesses.

Human Form


  • Bloodlust: Killing enemies fuels your transformations. Half a bar to transform into Werewolf: Lithe, and a full bar to shift into Werewolf: Brute
  • Pack Call: Call to your pack, summoning them to your location. [SHIFT + Summon] to unsummon them.
  • ** NEW ** Pack's Strength: Each wolf grants a different benefit to you and other pack mates on hit. (hidden)


  • Lunar Soul: Your strength waxes and wanes with the phases of the moon. You are most powerful during a full moon, and least powerful during a new moon.


  • Nothing Yet

Lithe Form

The Ultimate predator, stalk your prey from the shadows and lunge at just the right moment!


  • Naturally Lithe: You are faster, smaller, and hardier.
  • Serrated Claws: You cause bleeding when hitting an enemy with your claws. If you are invisible cause severe bleeding.
  • Cloaked Figure: While invisible you are much more powerful.
  • Slow Immune: You're immune to slowness.
  • Stealth (Active): Cloak yourself for a short time. Lose invisibility when attacking.
  • Pounce (Active): Lunge forward and cloak yourself, bypass the cooldown on kill with your claws.
  • Keen Senses: Your heightened senses show you the location of nearby enemies.
  • Night Vision: You have night vision.
  • ** NEW ** Crouch and stay still in the dark to become invisible for a short time.


  • Feast!: You are unable to eat food or regenerate health. Gain sustenance and health by feasting on enemies killed by your claws.
  • Lunar Soul: Your strength waxes and wanes with the phases of the moon. You are most powerful during a full moon, and least powerful during a new moon.


  • Non-conforming Shape: Your unusual shape and size allows you to only wear leather armor.
  • No Natural Regeneration: You regain health by feasting on enemies!

Brute Form

The King of the night, let nothing stand in your way.


  • Naturally Powerful: You are more powerful in this form, you naturally have increased strength and hardiness. You're also larger.
  • Sharp Claws: You do more damage and cause bleeding with your claws.
  • Extreme Bloodlust: Killing enemies fuels your rage, keeping you in brute form for longer.
  • Berserk (Active): Channel your bloodlust into your defenses!
  • ** NEW ** Pack Mate: A pack mate joins you! When they attack enemies they grant every other packmate near them with increased offensive capabilities. (Including You!)


  • Feast!: You are unable to eat food or regenerate health. Gain sustenance and health by feasting on enemies killed by your claws.
  • Lunar Soul: Your strength waxes and wanes with the phases of the moon. You are most powerful during a full moon, and least powerful during a new moon.


  • Non-conforming Shape: Your unusual shape and size allows you to only wear leather armor.
  • No Natural Regeneration: You regain health by feasting on enemies!


I do not have time to fully test every origin on every version of minecraft, if you find a bug, please report it on the Discord or Github

I will continue to refine and bug fix these origins as minecraft continues to be updated and more people use them. I designed these to be fun above all else, so if a particular interaction/mechanic seems unfun, let me know and I'll take another look at it!

I provide each origin as an independent mod to make it easier to add only the ones you want. Especially since some rely on other mods. I've designed them all to work together or separately.

Full Reincarnation Origins Selection


In creating this mod I referenced a multitude of different mods including:

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