Resourcify 1.7.1
Please make sure to report any bugs and/or visual anomalies on Resourcify's GitHub or in the Discord.
- Move downloading worlds to "Create new world" and then press the "Download" tab.
- Add updating support for Datapacks when using a mod like Datapack/Gamerule Menus.
- After updating a Resource Pack, you are now returned to the pack selection GUI, instead of immediately triggering a resource reload.
- Make dependencies open inside Resourcify, instead of opening it in the browser.
- (1.21.4 NeoForge) Fix compatibility with NeoForge 21.4.84-beta and above. (Note: Resourcify now requires NeoForge 21.4.84-beta or later on 1.21.4).
- Improve scaling in the update GUI.
- Added disabled button colors, these can be changed with themes.
- Fixed an issue where if you have an old version of a pack, and the up-to-date version, Resourcify would still try to update the old version.
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Resourcify 1.7.0
- Add theming support for Resource packs and/or Mod packs, for more info see the readme.
- Add support for resource packs to overwrite Resourcify's textures.
- (1.21.2-4) Fix an issue causing a part of the GUI (or all of it with immediatelyfast) to be drawn behind the background.
- Resourcify now requires kotlin 2.0 or above, so for fabric you will need fabric language kotlin version "1.11.0+kotlin.2.0.0" or later, and for forge you will need kotlin for forge version 4.11.0 or later.
In addition, Resourcify's build system has been entirely rewritten using architectury loom and stonecutter, which will speed up future development of Resourcify.
Looking for a top-notch Minecraft server host? BisectHosting has got you covered! Create your own server at and use code diamond to get 25% of your first month while also supporting me!
Resourcify 1.7.0
- Add theming support for Resource packs and/or Mod packs, for more info see the readme.
- Add support for resource packs to overwrite Resourcify's textures.
- (1.21.2-4) Fix an issue causing a part of the GUI (or all of it with immediatelyfast) to be drawn behind the background.
- Resourcify now requires kotlin 2.0 or above, so for fabric you will need fabric language kotlin version "1.11.0+kotlin.2.0.0" or later, and for forge you will need kotlin for forge version 4.11.0 or later.
In addition, Resourcify's build system has been entirely rewritten using architectury loom and stonecutter, which will speed up future development of Resourcify.
Looking for a top-notch Minecraft server host? BisectHosting has got you covered! Create your own server at and use code diamond to get 25% of your first month while also supporting me!