Change Log:
- Fixed crash on LAN and Dedicated Servers -> stupid effects...
- For a time removed requirement for Ringo Clock, cuz it gives lags 💀
- Increased storage for Block Data and Dead Entities from 6 lists to 120 lists (from seconds to ticks)
- Maybe i will do it with every datas, cuz it's more better.
- Some fixes with rewind Datas
- Fixed Rewind sounds :tada:
- Added new data for Living Entities:
- Vehicle. (horse,
harvest, pig, etc)
- Vehicle. (horse,
- Bug fixes.
- Added new Block Restore
- Added new Rewind System
- Added new Entity Remove Event
- Added new data to Living Entity:
- Dimension - right now bugged, sorry =(
- Effects
- Air supply
- Armor, offhand, mainhand now working for all entities (not for player only)
- Fixed a crash with Ringo Clock and Null Point Exception
- Fixed bugs with Mobs With Powers addon
- Added new skin "Shadow Mandom's World"
- New Power Icon
- New Power Color
- Common Config changes:
- Removed a lot of options, because useless. Like: MaxCastSeconds, CooldownSystem and etc.
- Added "Requiring Ringo Clock to Rewind"
- Fixed problem with Nether and The End
- Fixed problem with Dead Entities
- Fixed shader's problem
- Fixed Client Player Data
- Added Client Config:
- Options: is shader enabled?
- Fixed bug with sounds in Rewind Ability
- Now Mandom can useable by Dummies (support for Mobs with Powers Addon)
- Tried to fix Ringo Clock in first hand
- Optimized Client Player Data
- Now "selectedSlot" in Client Player Data (Living Entity Data --> Client Player Data)
- "Optimized" Localizations for all languages (just removed "time_rewind.sec")
- Increased chance to find Ringo Clock (Pillarman Outpost)
- A lot of changes...