Ruby Gem

Ruby Gem


Adds the ruby + more into Minecraft

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1 follower
Created2 months ago
Updated2 months ago

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Introducing the immersive Ruby Gem Mod, a thrilling expansion that enriches your Minecraft experience with a trove of enticing features. Delve into the depths of your world to uncover the coveted Ruby Ore, a precious resource ripe for discovery. Once unearthed, this ore can be meticulously smelted into lustrous Ruby Gems, the cornerstone of this mod's array of captivating creations.

Step into the realm of opulence as you forge Ruby Armor and wield Ruby Tools, each imbued with the unmistakable brilliance and resilience of this rare gemstone. From gleaming helmets to formidable swords, indulge in the allure of unparalleled craftsmanship as you adorn yourself in the radiant splendor of Ruby.

But the allure of the Ruby Gem Mod extends beyond mere adornment. Venture into the fiery abyss of the Nether to uncover the enigmatic Netherite Ruby, a fusion of infernal might and exquisite refinement. Harness its formidable power to craft Netherite Ruby Armor and Tools, bestowing upon yourself unparalleled strength and resilience in the face of the Nether's unforgiving trials.

Yet, the wonders of this mod do not end there. Discover two new marvels of engineering: the Grinder and the Smasher. With the Grinder at your disposal, transform Ruby Gems into a myriad of useful resources, including coveted Redstone and volatile Gunpowder. Meanwhile, the Smasher offers the means to refine Netherite Ruby into potent Netherite Ruby Powder, unlocking new avenues of alchemical mastery and strategic advantage.

Embark on an epic journey of exploration and innovation with the Ruby Gem Mod, where every discovery unveils new opportunities and every creation reflects the boundless depths of your imagination. Whether you seek riches, power, or simply the thrill of discovery, let the Ruby Gem Mod be your guide to a world of limitless possibilities.

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Technical information

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Server side
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