- Added cutting board recipe for Syrup Cheesecake
- Syrup Cookie, Roasted Coffee Beans are now compostable
- Updated Chinese translations (thank you Junnaturefox!)
- Syrup now requires a Glass Bottle as a container, instead of a Bowl
- Rice Roll Royale now drops a bowl when empty (instead of a copy of itself, resulting in infinite sushi)
- Overhauled the pancake feature:
- Added ability to take a single pancake from a pancakes block, with a knife
- Added Cooking Pot recipes for all pancakes
- Added new pancake variants: Pancakes (the classic variant), Pumpkin Pancakes
- Added Pancake, Honey Pancake, Chocolate Pancake, Vegetable Pancake, Cherry Blossom Pancake, Pumpkin Pancake
- Rebalanced pancake recipes and gained effects
- Updated all pancake models
- Added a new cooking ingredient: Syrup! Required for some new items:
- Pancakes and Pumpkin Pancakes require Syrup to craft
- Syrup Cheesecake
- Syrup Cookie
- Sweet Salad
- Added more Coffee-related foods:
- Syrup Coffee
- Coffee Cookie
- Added new Feast: Rice Roll Royale (requires one of each Rustic Delight rice roll item)
- Added Green Bell Pepper Roll, Yellow Bell Pepper Roll, Red Bell Pepper Roll
- Added more fried foods
- Fried Dough
- Fried Dumplings
- Wild Cotton now spawns more often, by default
- Cotton Boll can now be used as fuel
- Cooking Oil can now also be obtained with Pumpkin Seeds (in addition to Sunflower and Canola Seeds, if the proper mods are installed)
- Bell Pepper Soup is now crafted with 3 bell peppers instead of 4
- Updated item & block tags for better compatibility with other mods
- Rebalanced coffee effects
- Improved textures for most blocks and items
- Overhauled the pancake feature:
- Added ability to take a single pancake from a pancakes block, with a knife
- Added Cooking Pot recipes for all pancakes
- Added new pancake variants: Pancakes (the classic variant), Pumpkin Pancakes
- Added Pancake, Honey Pancake, Chocolate Pancake, Vegetable Pancake, Cherry Blossom Pancake, Pumpkin Pancake
- Rebalanced pancake recipes and gained effects
- Updated all pancake models
- Added a new cooking ingredient: Syrup! Required for some new items:
- Pancakes and Pumpkin Pancakes require Syrup to craft
- Syrup Cheesecake
- Syrup Cookie
- Sweet Salad
- Added more Coffee-related foods:
- Syrup Coffee
- Coffee Cookie
- Added new Feast: Rice Roll Royale (requires one of each Rustic Delight rice roll item)
- Added Green Bell Pepper Roll, Yellow Bell Pepper Roll, Red Bell Pepper Roll
- Added more fried foods
- Fried Dough
- Fried Dumplings
- Wild Cotton now spawns more often, by default
- Cotton Boll can now be used as fuel
- Cooking Oil can now also be obtained with Pumpkin Seeds (in addition to Sunflower and Canola Seeds, if the proper mods are installed)
- Bell Pepper Soup is now crafted with 3 bell peppers instead of 4
- Updated item & block tags for better compatibility with other mods
- Rebalanced coffee effects
- Improved textures for most blocks and items
- Added Bag of Roasted Coffee Beans
- Added Japanese translations (thank you EndilCrafter!)
- Added compatibility with Botany Pots:
- Cotton, Coffee and Bell Peppers can now be grown in a Botany Pot
- Wild Cotton, Wild Coffee and Wild Bell Peppers are also supported
- Added compatibility with Farmer's Respite:
- Brew Farmer's Respite Coffee with Rustic Delight's Roasted Coffee Beans using a Kettle
- Rustic Delight Coffee (and variants) can be brewed with Farmer's Respite Coffee Beans using the Cooking Pot
- Rustic Delight Coffee variants can be crafted using Farmer's Respite Coffee
- Added compatibility with Supplementaries:
- Cherry Blossom Cookie can now be put in a jar
- Changed mod version to match Forge/NeoForge version
- Golden Coffee Beans can now also be crafted with Roasted Coffee Beans
- Roasted Coffee Beans can now be crafted into Brown Dye
- Made the following items compostable
- Cherry Blossom Cookie
- Cherry Blossom Cheesecake
- Slice of Cherry Blossom Cheesecake
- Updated textures for Coffee Beans, Roasted Coffee Beans, Bag of Coffee Beans
- Fixed cutting recipe for wool having an empty tool
- Added Bag of Roasted Coffee Beans
- Added Japanese translations (thank you EndilCrafter!)
- Added Cherry Blossom Cookie to the
- Changed mod version to match Forge/NeoForge version
- Golden Coffee Beans can now also be crafted with Roasted Coffee Beans
- Roasted Coffee Beans can now be crafted into Brown Dye
- Made the following items compostable
- Cherry Blossom Cookie
- Cherry Blossom Cheesecake
- Slice of Cherry Blossom Cheesecake
- Updated textures for Coffee Beans, Roasted Coffee Beans, Bag of Coffee Beans
- Added Bag of Roasted Coffee Beans
- Added German translations
- Added Japanese translations (thank you EndilCrafter!)
- Added Taiwanese Mandarin translations (thank you Lobster0228!)
- Added Cherry Blossom Cookie to the
- Golden Coffee Beans can now also be crafted with Roasted Coffee Beans
- Roasted Coffee Beans can now be crafted into Brown Dye
- Made the following items compostable
- Cherry Blossom Cookie
- Cherry Blossom Cheesecake
- Slice of Cherry Blossom Cheesecake
- Updated textures for Coffee Beans, Roasted Coffee Beans, Bag of Coffee Beans
- Added Bag of Roasted Coffee Beans
- Added Japanese translations (thank you EndilCrafter!)
- Added compatibility with Botany Pots:
- Cotton, Coffee and Bell Peppers can now be grown in a Botany Pot
- Wild Cotton, Wild Coffee and Wild Bell Peppers are also supported
- Added compatibility with Farmer's Respite:
- Brew Farmer's Respite Coffee with Rustic Delight's Roasted Coffee Beans using a Kettle
- Rustic Delight Coffee (and variants) can be brewed with Farmer's Respite Coffee Beans using the Cooking Pot
- Rustic Delight Coffee variants can be crafted using Farmer's Respite Coffee
- Added compatibility with Supplementaries:
- Cherry Blossom Cookie can now be put in a jar
- Golden Coffee Beans can now also be crafted with Roasted Coffee Beans
- Roasted Coffee Beans can now be crafted into Brown Dye
- Made the following items compostable
- Cherry Blossom Cookie
- Cherry Blossom Cheesecake
- Slice of Cherry Blossom Cheesecake
- Updated textures for Coffee Beans, Roasted Coffee Beans, Coffee Beans Bag
- Added new Coffee feature. Obtain Coffee Beans by finding Wild Coffee in the jungle or trading with villagers.
New items include:
- Wild Coffee, a plant found in the jungle that drops Coffee Beans
- Coffee Beans, used to grow coffee crops
- Roasted Coffee Beans, used to brew coffee
- Golden Coffee Beans, used to brew a Potion of Haste
- Bag of Coffee Beans
- Coffee-Braised Beef
- Added drinkable Coffee items. Drink them to gain Speed and Haste for a short while.
Some coffee variants have additional effects! New items include:
- Coffee
- Milk Coffee
- Chocolate Coffee
- Honey Coffee
- Dark Coffee
- Added Haste potions, including long and strong variants. Brew them with Golden Coffee Beans.
- Potion of Haste
- Splash Potion of Haste
- Lingering Potion of Haste
- Arrow of Haste
- Added new configuration options
- Wild Coffee chance, used to configure Wild Coffee spawning. Set to zero to disable the Coffee feature entirely (including trades).
- Enable villager trades
- Enable wandering trader trades
- Enable potions (currently enables brewing a Potion of Haste)
- Added alternative recipes for some Farmer's Delight items
- Fried Egg can now be obtained by putting an Egg and Cooking Oil in a Cooking Pot
- Fried Rice can now also be cooked by using Cooking Oil instead of an Egg
- Added Taiwanese Mandarin translations (thank you Lobster0228!)
- Added new Coffee feature. Obtain Coffee Beans by finding Wild Coffee in the jungle or trading with villagers.
New items include:
- Wild Coffee, a plant found in the jungle that drops Coffee Beans
- Coffee Beans, used to grow coffee crops
- Roasted Coffee Beans, used to brew coffee
- Golden Coffee Beans, used to brew a Potion of Haste
- Bag of Coffee Beans
- Coffee-Braised Beef
- Added drinkable Coffee items. Drink them to gain Speed and Haste for a short while.
Some coffee variants have additional effects! New items include:
- Coffee
- Milk Coffee
- Chocolate Coffee
- Honey Coffee
- Dark Coffee
- Added Haste potions, including long and strong variants. Brew them with Golden Coffee Beans.
- Potion of Haste
- Splash Potion of Haste
- Lingering Potion of Haste
- Arrow of Haste
- Added new configuration options
- Wild Coffee chance, used to configure Wild Coffee spawning. Set to zero to disable the Coffee feature entirely (including trades).
- Enable villager trades
- Enable wandering trader trades
- Enable potions (currently enables brewing a Potion of Haste)
- Added alternative recipes for some Farmer's Delight items
- Fried Egg can now be obtained by putting an Egg and Cooking Oil in a Cooking Pot
- Fried Rice can now also be cooked by using Cooking Oil instead of an Egg
- Added German translations
- Improved tooltips to include status effects
- Wild Cotton and Wild Bell Peppers can now be obtained using Shears
- Batter and Bell Pepper Soup now use the eating sound when consumed, to be more consistent with other soup-like items
- Tweaked Raw Calamari food values
- Cherry Blossom Cheesecake can now be cut into slices using the Cutting Board
- Fixed pancake blocks not dropping a bowl when the last serving was eaten
- Fixed compatibility with Serene Seasons
- Added German translations
- Improved tooltips to include status effects
- Wild Cotton and Wild Bell Peppers can now be obtained using Shears
- Batter and Bell Pepper Soup now use the eating sound when consumed, to be more consistent with other soup-like items
- Tweaked Raw Calamari food values
- Fixed Wild Cotton and Wild Bell Peppers not dropping any seeds
- Fixed pancake blocks not dropping a bowl when the last serving was eaten
- Fixed compatibility with Serene Seasons
- Added new Coffee feature. Obtain Coffee Beans by finding Wild Coffee in the jungle or trading with villagers.
New items include:
- Wild Coffee, a plant found in the jungle that drops Coffee Beans
- Coffee Beans, used to grow coffee crops
- Roasted Coffee Beans, used to brew coffee
- Golden Coffee Beans, used to brew a Potion of Haste
- Bag of Coffee Beans
- Coffee-Braised Beef
- Added drinkable Coffee items. Drink them to gain Speed and Haste for a short while.
Some coffee variants have additional effects! New items include:
- Coffee
- Milk Coffee
- Chocolate Coffee
- Honey Coffee
- Dark Coffee
- Added Haste potions, including long and strong variants. Brew them with Golden Coffee Beans.
- Potion of Haste
- Splash Potion of Haste
- Lingering Potion of Haste
- Arrow of Haste
- Added new configuration options
- Wild Coffee chance, used to configure Wild Coffee spawning. Set to zero to disable the Coffee feature entirely (including trades).
- Enable villager trades
- Enable wandering trader trades
- Enable potions (currently enables brewing a Potion of Haste)
- Added alternative recipes for some Farmer's Delight items
- Fried Egg can now be obtained by putting an Egg and Cooking Oil in a Cooking Pot
- Fried Rice can now also be cooked by using Cooking Oil instead of an Egg
- Improved tooltips to include status effects
- Wild Cotton and Wild Bell Peppers can now be obtained using Shears
- Batter and Bell Pepper Soup now use the eating sound when consumed, to be more consistent with other soup-like items
- Tweaked Raw Calamari food values
- Cherry Blossom Cheesecake can now be cut into slices using the Cutting Board
- Fixed pancake blocks not dropping a bowl when the last serving was eaten
- Fixed compatibility with Serene Seasons