First release on Modrinth
- Updated SCP-914 (WIP)(some items in new configurations);
- Added the "Unleashing the AI" advancement;
- Added a crafting recipe for the Decontamination Checkpoint;
- Added Keycards and Keycard Readers;
- Added SCP-294 (WIP)(The restocking system is a little buggy, but should be functional without major problems at least. Let me know of bugs on GitHub issue tracker);
- Fixed a skin bug that mixed the skin change from SCP-914 and the player skin;
- Fixed a small emissive error in the Decontamination Checkpoint texture;
- Fixed the weird shadows in SCP-079 controls;
- Fixed some blocks emissive light errors;
- Due to a bug where, after turning off SCP-079 controls, Tesla Gates wouldn't turn off anymore, SCP-079 no longer can turn off Tesla Gates;
- Fixed a timing issue in the Tesla Gates that made that sometimes it wouldn't shock running players;
- Fixed a timing issue in the Decontamination Checkpoint that allowed players to sometimes run past it before it closed;
- Fixed a bug where sometimes the player skin would change to just one in the 1:1 setting from SCP-914, or would change to other just rarely;
- Fixed subtitles typo;