


Adds plenty of blocks and items to defend and secure your base with.

Client and server AdventureDecorationEquipmentTechnologyUtility

Created2 years ago
Updated5 days ago

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This is a combined release of v1.9.5, v1.9.6, and v1.9.6.1

Changelog for v1.9.6.1 of SecurityCraft

  • Change: Several technical blocks' sounds have been adjusted to better match how they look
  • Fix: Mounting two cameras after one another in different dimensions causes severe lag
  • Fix: Jade does not properly hide blocks
  • Fix: Crashes when rendering some modded block entities in a Projector, or using them as a disguise
  • Fix: The Sentry-/Mine Remote Access Tool screens do not show the item's custom name
  • Fix: Reinforced Doors can be closed by giving them a block update
  • Fix: Reinforced Doors that are next to, but don't face, each other can act as double doors
  • Fix: Certain blocks don't update their indirect neighbors properly when getting destroyed while in a powered state
  • Fix: Blocks cannot be placed on the side of any of SecurityCraft's doors
  • Fix: Some reinforced blocks and mines can be destroyed by pistons or flowing fluids
  • Fix: Reinforced Lever duplication exploit
  • Misc.: More texture updates

Changelog for v1.9.6 of SecurityCraft

  • New: Support for FTB Teams when having team ownership enabled in the config
  • New: Laser blocks can now be configured to have lasers on specific sides be disabled by using a Smart Module
  • New: Command "/sc dump <registry>" to be able to copy all of SecurityCraft's registry entries of the specified registry
  • New: Configs "sentryAttackableEntitiesAllowlist" and "sentryAttackableEntitiesDenylist" for controlling which entities a Sentry can and cannot attack
  • New: Password-protected Barrel
  • New: The Alarm can now play any sound when a Smart Module is installed
  • New: The Alarm can now be disabled with the Universal Block Modifier
  • New: Alarm option "Reset Cooldown" to set whether the cooldown between alarm sounds should reset once the alarm is powered on
  • Change: Lasers and inventory scanner fields are now removed silently
  • Change: Inventory scanners and password-protected chests now only drop their modules if the last scanner/chest is removed
  • Change: Changing the owner of a Reinforced Hopper now needs validation of the new owner (akin to reinforced pistons)
  • Change: New look for the Claymore
  • Change: The Alarm's "Delay" option can now be found in the new GUI of the Alarm, accessible by rightclicking it
  • API: IModuleInventory#shouldDropModules to determine whether a block should drop its modules when broken
  • Fix: Turning off camera rotation or the Sonic Security System leads to (extreme) stuttering of the camera/SSS
  • Fix: Shift-clicking a potion in the brewing stand screen puts the potion into the wrong slot
  • Fix: Redstone does not automatically connect to the Alarm, Projector, and Username Logger
  • Fix: Some text in the check password screens doesn't show up properly
  • Fix: Options are not synchronized between newly placed laser blocks
  • Fix: Modules are not properly synchronized between laser blocks in certain situations
  • Fix: The Codebreaker has 3 uses instead of 5
  • Fix: The Sentry's head could sometimes rapidly stutter in height when completely extended or retracted
  • Fix: The Block Change Detector list cannot be scrolled using the mouse wheel
  • Fix: The Reinforced Hopper checks for the wrong allowlist sometimes
  • Fix: It's possible to remove other players' laser/inventory scanner fields
  • Fix: Cannot place blocks against laser blocks from other players
  • Fix: Severe lag when a player mounts a camera on a dedicated server when other players are connected
  • Fix: Dragging some scroll lists scrolls faster than it should
  • Fix: It's possible to select entries while the mouse is outside of a scroll list
  • Fix: Many blocks don't show their custom name in their GUI
  • Fix: The tooltip for long names in the Sonic Security System list does not always show up
  • Misc.: The Spanish translation has been updated (Thanks Globi10!)
  • Misc.: Dialects for German (de_at, de_ch), French (fr_ca), and Spanish (es_ar, es_cl, es_ec, es_mx, es_uy, es_ve) are now supported. While these are not proper translations into the specific dialects, they should be better than having to resort to English
  • Misc.: Updates to SC Manual entries and other text, to bring them up to date with actual functionality of the mod
  • Misc.: More texture updates

Changelog for v1.9.5 of SecurityCraft

  • New: The reinforced block tint color can now be changed with a config setting
  • New: Netherrack Mine and End Stone Mine
  • New: The damage dealt by a Laser Block containing a Harming Module can now be changed with a config setting
  • New: More modded wooden chests can now be converted to a Password-protected Chest
  • New: Crystal Quartz Bricks, Smooth Crystal Quartz, Smooth Crystal Quartz Stairs, Smooth Crystal Quartz Slab, and their reinforced variants
  • New: Ignore owner option for blocks like the Inventory Scanner or Block Change Detector
  • New: Smart Module (incorrect code = cooldown) and Harming Module (incorrect code = damage) support for blocks that require a passcode
  • New: Config option "incorrectPasscodeDamage" to define the amount of damage dealt to a player who inserted an incorrect passcode
  • Change: Password-protected blocks can now only be activated if a password has been set, even if the player activating the block is on the allowlist
  • Change: Passcodes now have to be manually confirmed by using the new enter button found in the check password interface (or by using the enter key on the keyboard)
  • API: Changed IPasswordConvertible#getOriginalBlock to IPasswordConvertible#isValidStateForConversion for finer control over what can be converted
  • API: New methods IModuleInventory#isAllowed and IModuleInventory#isDenied to check whether an entity is listed on an allowlist or denylist module respectively
  • API: Moved and renamed Owner#isOwner methods to IPasswordProtected#isOwnedBy
  • API: New methods IPasswordProtected#startCooldown, IPasswordProtected#isOnCooldown IPasswordProtected#getCooldownEnd, and IPasswordProtected#getIncorrectPasscodeDamage
  • API: New method IPasswordProtected#verifyPasswordSet which returns whether a password has been set for this IPasswordProtected
  • API: Removed the IOwnable parameter from IPasswordProtected#setPasswordGUI because the relevant code has been moved to IPasswordProtected#verifyPasswordSet
  • API: New linked action ILinkedAction#StateChanged which is used when the state at the linkable block entity's position changes
  • Fix: The Reinforced Water Cauldron and Reinforced Grass Block don't have a reinforced tint
  • Fix: Reinforced Stained Glass Pane items display incorrectly
  • Fix: The Reinforced Moss Carpet has a different sound compared to the vanilla Moss Carpet
  • Fix: Crash when inserting a module into a single Inventory Scanner
  • Fix: Breaking a disguised Inventory Scanner does not update the disguise of the connected scanner
  • Fix: Some animations stutter
  • Fix: Using /kill to remove a camera entity, or removing it by other non-standard means, does not update the camera block properly
  • Fix: Error when unbinding the last mine/sentry from a Mine/Sentry Remote Access Tool
  • Fix: Placing an Inventory Scanner facing a disguised scanner does not update the placed scanner's disguise
  • Fix: The Cage Trap and Password-protected Furnace/Smoker/Blast Furnace are black instead of see-through
  • Fix: Breaking an Inventory Scanner/Laser or one of its field does not break all fields, if the respective config setting is lower than the amount of fields present
  • Fix: Breaking an Inventory Scanner Field with the inventoryScannerRange config setting set to >=3 does not break and reinstate all fields properly
  • Fix: Players that are on the allowlist of a Security Camera cannot toggle the camera's redstone output
  • Fix: The Redstone Module in a Laser Block does not respect ownership
  • Fix: Disabled option in laser blocks does not work properly
  • Fix: In the check password screen, using the enter key to press focused buttons does not work
  • Fix: Several instances of chunks not loading correctly when changing the view distance while viewing a camera
  • Fix: The Username Logger sometimes cannot be activated by a short redstone signal
  • Fix: The Codebreaker sometimes loses durability when rightclicking a block even though no codebreaking attempt has been made
  • Fix: Taking an item out of a Display Case does not work when the offhand is not empty
  • Fix: Issues when unloading and saving chunks containing linkable block entities
  • Fix: Some scroll lists can be scrolled a tiny bit even though there is no scrollbar
  • Fix: Some scroll lists cannot be scrolled far enough to show all entries
  • Fix: Some mines explode when detecting a player in creative mode
  • Fix: Laser blocks that are indirectly connected to a laser field detecting an entity don't activate
  • Fix: Laser fields can activate disconnected laser blocks in some circumstances


[1.19.2] SecurityCraft v1.9.6.1.jar(3.49 MiB) Primary Download

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Technical information

Client side
Server side
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