Server Specific Skins

Server Specific Skins


Allows the usage of Skins specific to each server you play on.

Client SocialUtility

Created2 years ago
Updated9 months ago

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Server Specific Skins

This is a simple Fabric mod which adds the capability to set skins which should be applied when joining each server. It does so through making requests to Mojang's API if joining a server for which it is configured, to check the current skin and change it if it doesn't match what's configured.

Please note, at present skins are automatically applied prior to connecting to a server, and not reverted after disconnecting.

Installing the Mod

To install this mod, you'll need to have the Fabric Loader and Fabric API set up for a given installation of Minecraft.

Then, find the latest version that functions with your version of Minecraft, and download the relevant JAR file. Place that JAR file in your mods folder, and you're good to go!

Using the Mod

The mod adds buttons to the default Server Add and Edit pages to configure things per server. It should be pretty self explanatory - you can choose a server specific skin, remove one you've set, and choose the model type you want. Then, when you join the server, the mod performs a couple of checks on your current skin, and changes it to your chosen one if it isn't already prior to attempting to connect.

External resources

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Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID