Server Utilities
This mod adds commands, ranks, permissions, economy, and a few other features. It overhauls Minecraft and changes the permissions of commands to allow server owners to set up ranks with certain features and permissions. This also adds color codes into the game and they can be used in ranks, nicknames, and chat.
Minecraft: Java Edition
Supported environments
75% of ad revenue goes to creators
Support creators and Modrinth ad-free with Modrinth+Creators
Beta release v2.1.9.4
This release is for 1.16.5 and 1.17.1. The main additions are chest shops and discord integration.
The beta will be available for download HERE.
A week after the beta release a full release will be uploaded to CurseForge.
More details on the update will be available then.
What Server Utilities does, is it adds commands, ranks, permissions, economy, and a few other features. It overhauls Minecraft and changes the permissions of commands to allow server owners to set up ranks with certain features and permissions. This also adds color codes into the game and they can be used in ranks, nicknames, and chat. The mod is only needed on the server. Clients have 2 options, they can also add the mod or use the resource pack to translate the chat from the mod. Alternatively, the translations can be disabled in the features config for server owners. This will translate the mod into English for everyone who joins. There are many features planned for this mod, and as they are completed they will be uploaded here.
There are multiple stages of the mod. The released versions will be uploaded here. The beta versions will be added to the discord for people to test and find bugs, and the alpha builds will be available for patrons.
When a argument has: [ ] it is required, if it has: { } then it is optional
All commands, permissions, cooldowns, and delays are configurable. These are just the defaults.
When using any command that teleports you, if you move before the delay has finished it will be canceled, but if it is canceled the cooldown will not be started.
General Commands
Command | Args | Description | Permission |
/spawn | n/a | Teleports the user to spawn | serverutils.spawn |
/setspawn | n/a | Sets the Server's spawn to the current location | serverutils.setspawn |
/warp | [warp] | Teleports the player to the specified warp | serverutils.warp |
/warps | n/a | Lists the current warps set on the Server | serverutils.warps |
/setwarp | [warp] | Sets the current location as the specified | serverutils.setwarp |
/delwarp | [warp] | Removes the specified warp | serverutils.delwarp |
/home | {home} | Teleports the player to thier home "Home" unless another one is specified | serverutils.home |
/homes | n/a | Displays all of your current homes | serverutils.homes |
/sethome | {home} | Sets the current location as your home "Home" unless another one is specified | serverutils.sethome |
/delhome | {home} | Removes the home "Home" unless another one is specified | serverutils.delhome |
/back | n/a | Teleports a player to thier prior location | serverutils.back |
/rtpnear | n/a | Teleports the player to a random place nearby | serverutils.rtpnear |
/rtp | n/a | Teleports the player to a random place | serverutils.rtp |
/rtpfar | n/a | Teleports the player to a random place far out | serverutils.rtpfar |
/tpa | [player] | Requests that the specified player lets you tp to them | serverutils.tpa.base |
/tpahere | [player] | Requests the specified player to tp to you | serverutils.tpahere |
/tpaccept | n/a | Accepts a pending teleport request | serverutils.tpaccept |
/tpdeny | n/a | Denies a pending teleport request | serverutils.tpdeny |
/repair | {all} | Repairs the currently held item to full durability | serverutils.repair.one serverutils.repair.all |
/heal | {player} | Heals the player specified, or yourself if its not | serverutils.heal.self serverutils.heal.other |
/feed | {player} | Feeds the player specified, or yourself if its not | serverutils.feed.self serverutils.feed.other |
/god | {player} | Toggles Godmode for the player specified, or yourself if its not | serverutils.god.self serverutils.god.other |
/fly | {player} | Toggles Flight for the player specified, or yourself if its not | serverutils.fly.self serverutils.fly.other |
/bomb | {player} | Drops tnt on the player specified | serverutils.bomb |
/drown | {player} | Spawns water around the player specified, replacing air | serverutils.drown |
/smite | {player} | Strikes the player specified with lightning | serverutils.smite |
/nickname | {name}{player} | If the name is specified, will change your name to the new one, if not it is reset. If a player is specified, thier name will be modified. |
serverutils.nick.self serverutils.nick.other |
/endchest | n/a | Opens the players end chest | serverutils.endchest |
/gamemode | [mode] | Changes the users gamemode | serverutils.gamemode |
/claim | n/a | Claims the chunk the player is standing in | serverutils.claim |
/claimflag | [flag][value] | Changes the users claim flags | serverutils.claimflag |
/clearlag | [type to clear] | Removes certain entities from the world to improve performance | serverutils.clearlag |
/rankup | {rank} | Changes the players rank, or displays available ranks to rankup to | serverutils.rankup |
/trust | [player] | Gives the player permission in your claims | serverutils.trust |
/untrust | [player] | Removes the players permission in your claims | serverutils.untrust |
Permission Commands
Command | Args | Description | Permission |
/permission add | [player][perm] | Adds the specified permission to the player | serverutils.permission |
/permission remove | [player][perm] | Removes the specified permission to the player | serverutils.permission |
/permission clear | [player] | Removes all of the permission to the player (not including rank permissions) | serverutils.permission |
/permission list | {filter} | Lists all the permissions based on the filter, if no filter is used all will be listed. | serverutils.permission |
Kit Commands
Command | Args | Description | Permission |
/kit | [kit] | Gives the user the kit specified, if they have the permission for it. | serverutils.kit.base |
/kit add | [kit] | Adds the item held to the kit specified | serverutils.kit.modify |
/kit cooldown | [kit][cooldown] | Sets the cooldown of the kit specified. | serverutils.kit.modify |
/kit create | [kit] | Creates a kit by the name specified | serverutils.kit.modify |
/kit delete | [kit] | Deletes the kit specified | serverutils.kit.modify |
/kit info | [kit] | Shows the contents of the kit | serverutils.kit.base |
/kit permission | [kit] | Shows the permission for the kit | serverutils.kit.modify |
/kit remove | [kit] | Removes the held itemstack from the specified kit | serverutils.kit.modify |
Rank Commands
Command | Args | Description | Permission |
/rank | n/a | Displays info about your ranks | serverutils.rank.self |
/rank add | [player][rank] | Adds the specified rank to the player | serverutils.rank.modify |
/rank remove | [player][rank] | Removes the specified rank from the player | serverutils.rank.modify |
/rank create | [rank] | Creates a new rank | serverutils.rank.modify |
/rank delete | [rank] | Deletes a specified rank. | serverutils.rank.modify |
/rank permission add | [rank][permission] | Adds a permission to the specified rank | serverutils.rank.modify |
/rank permission remove | [rank][permission] | Removes the specified permission from the rank | serverutils.rank.modify |
/rank priority | [rank][weight] | Sets the importance of a rank, this affects which prefix is used. | serverutils.rank.modify |
/rank prefix | [rank][prefix] | Sets the prefix for the rank. This supports color codes, but it needs to be inside quotations |
serverutils.rank.modify |
/rank suffix | [rank][suffix] | Sets the suffix for the rank. This supports color codes, but it needs to be inside quotations |
serverutils.rank.modify |
Messages, if using the mod or resource pack on the client, it will be translated into your language. If you don't use the mod or resource pack on the clients then the server will need to disable translations in the feature config. This will override the translations and force the mod to be in English.
When a player joins the server, they will have the default rank. You can change and customize it if you so choose.
Each command that this mod adds, has configs set in the Commands.toml. You can change the delay, cool-down, price, permission, aliases, if the command is even enabled, things like that.
This mod also adds 2 new color codes:
&g - this will change the text after it to rainbow.
&h - this will change the text to the holiday colors. This can be changed in the Feature.toml. The colors change with the month.
Rank prefixes and suffixes, as well as nicknames all support color codes. In order to use color codes you need to surround the text in quotes. Like this: /rank prefix default "&8[&7Player&8]"
If you have any suggestions, then feel free to join the discord and let me know, or you can leave them in the contents below. I have a list of things to add, and new suggestions will be added to the end of the list. Patrons will have suggestions, if the suggestion is valid, added to the top of the list. If you wish to get updates about the mod then you can join the discord. When I am working on the mod, I will be in a voice chat and sharing my screen.
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