-Reworked Item Vending Machine.
-Added the Burning Armor.
-Added Can Vending Machine.
-Added Experience/Share/Death/Fire/Speed/Strength cans.
-Added the Scepter.
-Added hunter/miner/crafter stones.
-Added Inert/Weak/Ordinary and Mighty Sword.
-Added Hunter/Experience/Power/Durability/Health/Miner/Range/Random N°1 and N°2 platforms.
-Added useful informations about blocks and items in their description.
-Added Alza Shuriken.
-Added Experience Shuriken.
-Added Speed Block.
-The Absorption potion has been buffed.
-Changed probabilities of getting amber in converter block.
-Changed description of the Experience Chestplate.
-Changed Experience Card effect.
-Fixed inverted Ancient Golden Helmet and Ancient Golden Chestplate effects.
-Removed all other vending machines.
-Removed Neutral Stone.
-Removed Experience Stone.
-Removed GUI for the two special vending machines.
-Removed search bars in the creative tabs.
-Added the Merger block. That block allows you to combine tools and armors together.
-Added dozens of hybrid tools and armors.
-Added the Converter block. That blocks converts Lapis-Lazuli, Redstone Powder and Raw Copper into random items.
-Added Ancient Helmet and Ancient Chestplate. Two mysterious armor pieces that have singular powers.
-The Netherite armor has been reworked. Now it cancels your death and teleports you to spawn. Armor pieces have a probability to be destroyed in the process.
-\ The Netherite sword/axe can teleport you to spawn. Also, when you hit an entity with it, other entities at proximity will change their attack target to it.
-The Netherite pickaxe can teleport you to spawn. When you destroy a block with it, stacks (minimum 3) of cobblestone or deepslate in your inventory are automatically converted to a random gem.
-The Netherite shovel no longer has an effect.
-Previous hybrid tools have been nerfed to correspond to the new ones in term of stats.
-Changed some hybrid tools textures.
- The Amber axe now gives experience when an entity is hit with it.
- Fixed Crystal swords effect not working.
- The Ruby armor now displays a message when your death has been prevented by it.
- The Ruby armor now gives you Instant Health instead of just health.
- The Amethyst, Amber and Crystal toughness armors has been buffed.
- The survivor points now increase automatically every five minutes.
- Some issues have been fixed with the Enhancer.
- Added clarification for the Enhancer GUI. (Section INFOS)
- You can no longer win survivor points while in lava with fire resistance.
- Fixed some misspelling errors.
- The Crystal pickaxe now works with the Amber ore in Alex's Dimension.
- The Netherite axe now has an effect when you attack with it.