- Added Rima Dimension
- Entities with passengers will now retain their passengers when going through the Stargate
- Modded Energy items will now also power up the DHD
- engageSymbol() ComputerCraft function now has an optional second argument, which, when set to true, will engage the Stargate symbol directly (meaning there will be no rotation animation for Universe and Pegasus Stargates)
- Fixed Advanced Crystallizer crash when using up crystals
- Fixed Crystallizer using up incorrect amounts of resources
- Fixed Stargate Filter not filtering
- Fixed Naquadah Ore drops
- Fixed Unity Cluster drops
- Fixed crafted Naquadah Fuel Rods being empty
- Added Rima Dimension
- Entities with passengers will now retain their passengers when going through the Stargate
- Modded Energy items will now also power up the DHD
- engageSymbol() ComputerCraft function now has an optional second argument, which, when set to true, will engage the Stargate symbol directly (meaning there will be no rotation animation for Universe and Pegasus Stargates)
- Fixed Advanced Crystallizer crash when using up crystals
- Fixed Crystallizer using up incorrect amounts of resources
- Fixed Stargate Filter not filtering
Updated to Minecraft 1.21.1
- Added Unitas Dimension
- Added Unity Crystals
- Added Fusion Core (Item used to power DHDs, only found in "naturally" generated DHDs)
- Added Naquadah Generator Core (Item used to power DHDs and craft Naquadah Generator)
- Added getPublicWhitelist() and getPublicBlacklist() ComputerCraft functions
- Added hasDHD() ComputerCraft function
- Stargates and DHDs will now require energy by default (set disable_energy_requirements to false in the sgjourney-common config if you prefer no energy use)
- Players will now be unable to mine Stargates while they are connected (set can_break_connected_stargate to true in the sgjourney-common config if you want to change this back)
- Only the outgoing side of a Stargate connection will now be able to forcefully close it (does not apply to DHD autoclose function, which still works from both sides; set end_connection_from_both_ends to true if you wish to change this back)
- Classic DHD now has a crystal inventory
- DHDs have a new item slot for powering the DHD (it accepts Energy Cores, ZPM and other modded items with Energy capability)
- Milky Way DHD and Pegasus DHD are now craftable
- Classic Stargate can now rotate and be dialed manually
- Universe Stargate can now be dialed manually
- addToWhitelist() and addToBlacklist() ComputerCraft functions now have two parameters, first being the address and second being a boolean, determining whether the function will be visible when displaying the public whitelist/blacklist
- Address Tables can now specify either exact symbol array or Dimension of each Address, as well as its Galaxy
- Naquadah Liquidizers and Crystallizers now have sided inventories
- Naquadah Liquidizers now push liquids (at the bottom of the block) to Block Entities with Fluid capabilities
- stargate_disconnected Computercraft event now also specifies whether the Stargate was dialing out or not
- Address Tables should no longer roll for Dimensions which aren't present in game (no more finding Glacio on your cartouche when you don't even have Ad Astra installed)
- Stargates should no longer ignore the config which prevents them from drawing energy from both sides of the connection
- Universe Stargate should no longer jitter on incoming connection