Shrug it Off - STB edition

Shrug it Off - STB edition


More thought in armor toughness

Client and server AdventureEquipmentGame Mechanics

Created9 months ago
Updated7 months ago

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Refactored the whole mod

  • Improved Configurability: now Entities and Players can have two entirely different shrugging configurations (Closes #2)

  • Improved Logging: now with less useless info spam. Options to log or disable logging for each category (logic, chances and damage sources) separately, both to chat and in game log

  • Added config to ignore Absolute and Unblockable attributes
  • Added config to log Logic to chat
  • A little code refactor and polishing
  • Added a new Formula: uses a sigmoid function so that as the armor toughness increases, the chance to dodge the attack increases asymptotically to 1.0 (100%)

    • With the new formula, when the toughness increases the dodge chance increases, with diminishing returns

    • A parameter can be used to control the "toughness factor", so that if you are playing with mods that add armors with huge toughness attribute, you can fine tune the formula and make it fair

  • Added option to log chances. Useful for modpack makers and to fine-tune the new formula

  • Added a config option to turn off the new formula and use the old one

  • Added a config option to the old formula to modify the base value

  • Added a config option to the old formula to set the maximum dodge chance

Initial fork release

Project members



Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID