Simply Arrows

Simply Arrows


Adds new arrows. What do you expect.

Client and server Equipment

Createda year ago
Updateda year ago

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This mod simply adds new arrows that you can use. These new arrows can all be used with the vanilla bow and should also be valid for modded bows too! Have a new arrow idea? Let me know in the comments! No guarantee I will make it add it. 

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| Arrow Name    | Base Damage | Effect                                                                              |
| Vanilla Arrow | 2           | This is the vanilla arrow for reference. It is not modified or changed by this mod. |
| Bone Arrow    | 1           | No effect.                                                                          |
| Flint Arrow   | 2           | This arrow is equal to the vanilla arrow.                                           |
| Iron Arrow    | 3           | Has small knock back amount.                                                        |
| Flame Arrow   | 2           | Sets a mob and block on fire.                                                       |
| Cake Arrow    | 0           | Creates a cake when it hits a block.                                                |
| Torch Arrow   | 0           | Will create a torch when it hits a block.                                           |
| Love Arrow    | 0           | Causes a mob to fall in love. Like wheat on a cow.                                  |
| TNT Arrow     | 1           | Causes an explosion equal to a block of tnt when it hits a mob or block.            |

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Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID