SlowMo Lib

SlowMo Lib


A library to control time!

Client and server Game MechanicsLibraryUtility

Created2 years ago
Updated2 years ago

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SlowMo Lib

A library to control time!


SlowMo Lib is a library for all things tick rate, from server to client. It allows you to bypass the hardcoded 20 tps rate and modify them to your liking! This allows you to:

  • Make everything go fast/slow
  • Only change the speed of the player
  • Only change the world's speed
  • Any combination of the above

Alt Text

How do I use it?: Use the incorporated '/slowmo' command to start changing your tick rate. The default tick rate is 20, so '/slowmo 40 all' will make everything go twice as fast!

How does it work?: SlowMo heavily modifies both server and client to let them function independently and at different speeds, along with many, many graphical and gameplay fixes related to it.

What can you use this for?: Whenever you want to make dramatic scenes, try complex techniques in slow motion, test that your farms won't fail in the long run or just plain ol' fun, this mod is here to make your creative playthrough more interesting ;]

Will you make a Forge version?: Probably not, there's a lot of Fabric-exclusive changes that won't translate well to Forge, but you can make your own if you feel like it. Just contact me first!

Why did you make this?: It funny

SlowMo is still in its Alpha stage. There will be a bunch of graphical glitches and mod incompatibilities. Be sure to report them at this mod github page.

Needs Cloth Config and Mod Menu to be able to use the in-game config screen.

External resources

Project members



Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID