Super Minigame Entertainment System

Super Minigame Entertainment System


A Minecraft Minigame Mod

Client and server Game MechanicsLibraryMinigameSocial

Createda year ago
Updateda year ago

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DiamondDev SMES - Super Minigame Entertainment System DiamondDev

SMES/Super Minigame Entertainment System, colloquially known as DDVG (or DiamondDev Games) is mod containing Minigames for Minecraft.

Requires a Fabric API

Not only does it add Minigames (with more to come), it has a full API for making Minigames using Cardinal Components {by Pyrofab} and libGenetics {by DiamondDev}, plus its own full Library of Utilities ranging from Settings, to Roles, and to States!

Currently Included Minigames:

  • Rising Edge {v1.0.0 by DiamondDev}, a remake of an old Datapack Minigame into mod form and better than ever! (Check out the Original here!)

Minigame Features

  • SettingsSet, a way to predetermine a full set of Settings for a minigame through JSON in datapacks!
  • Minigame UI Elements, to let you know what's happening in the minigame!
  • Pausing and Resuming!
  • A large-scale /minigame command to control every aspect of your game, from each players role to more!

Quick-Start Guide

To Quick-Start a Minigame: Quick Starting a Minigame starts the game with default settings, and with all players at a default role. You can also specify a SettingsSet to use instead of default.

  • Run /minigame start quick <minigame> <settingsset>

To Customize a Game without a SettingsSet or customize starting player roles: Run /minigame load <minigame>. This loads in the Roles of that game, and its Settings.

  • To change roles: Run /minigame roles <attach|detach> <player> <role>

  • To change settings: Run /minigame settings settings <setting> <value>

  • To load a SettingsSet: Run /minigame settings settingset <settingset>

  • To start/stop the game: Run /minigame <start|stop>

  • To pause/resume: Run /minigame togglepause

  • To skip game states: Run /minigame states jump <state>

External resources

Project members



Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID