Turning Time!
Sometimes you really want to guide the viewer's eye during a ride, particularly slow moving ones, so I added the ability to do that.
Similar to wool, simply place the turning block 1-3 blocks below the track and the cart will turn while moving. The cart will always return to moving forward if no block is present.
Note that while 360 degrees do exist, they don't actually rotate the minecart 360 degrees, they are simply for parity and edge cases.
All turning degrees are relative to the NORMAL TRACK ORIENTATION
Turning blocks:
- Light Gray Concrete - 90 degrees
- Light Blue Concrete - 180 degrees
- Lime Concrete - 270 degrees
- Pink Concrete - 360 degrees
Counter Clockwise:
- Gray Concrete - 90 degrees
- Blue Concrete - 180 degrees
- Green Concrete - 270 degrees
- Red Concrete - 360 degrees
Ties Update! +Some bug fixes and QOL Changes
Added Split Ties!
- Supports 1 Track input and 2 Track outputs.
- Can switch between outputs with Redstone signal.
- ONLY Default or Default Invisible tracks can be used
Added Merge Ties!
- Supports 2 Track inputs and 1 Track output.
- Always Merges, but can switch backwards track with Redstone signal.
- ONLY Default or Default Invisible tracks can be used
If a minecart is above wool, it will now be silent
Fixed Vertical reverse momentum
Removed Switch Ties (Redundant mechanics with Split/Merge Ties)
Various Bug Fixes
- Added Shuffle Ties from Forkcart - Reverse carts when unpowered
- Added Switch Ties from Forkcart - Move cart to the right when powered
- Retextured Switch Ties
- Added Station Tracks from Forkcart - Stop or push carts slowly
- Edited Station Tracks so the redston signal given to the track changes the speed
- Added minecart comparator output -> If minecart is on track section in between ties, both ties give output
- Made it so Ties are placed in whatever direction player is looking (very nice, thanks Forkcart)
- Added invisible variants of all items, both tracks and ties (trackless technology!)