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This mod can turn minecraft into stereopsis with a hotkey.


You'll need to bind a key for it first, it's unbound by default.
If you think the result is too narrow for hands to render, you can increase the aspect ratio by decreasing minecraft window's height.
If you don't know what is or how to use stereopsis, here's a video:


This mod is meant to enable only when you want to see the world in 3D illusion, not enabled at all time because not all screens/huds are modified to render stereopsis.
I'm not going to implement it, because modifing container screens sounds like hell, and other mods that has huds or adds elements to the screen probably won't like it either.


As this mod messes around with rendering methods, it's very likely to be incompatible with other rendering-related mods. But surprisingly, in my case, it doesn't cause any issues with sodium (mc1.20.2-0.5.3).

For shader packs, it's generally not recommanded with this mod, because it renders two times in the same frame. But if you really want it, there's a fix option in mod config that you would probably need (requires modmenu to access it). Sometimes you would need extra F3+R to fix it.

Known incompatibility:

  • Exordium (It won't crash in 1.2.0, but still has render issues with hud. Won't fix.)

External resources

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Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID