Balance Changes
Stone Golem:
Health reduced from 1000 → 100.
Melee damage reduced from 20 → 16.
XP drop increased on defeat.
Ability changes:
Projectile Damage reduced from 8 → 6.
Projectile speed slightly nerfed.
Projectile accuracy increased.
Speed amplifier increased from 1 → 3.
Speed duration decreased from 120 ticks → 100 ticks.
Stone Minion:
Health reduced from 100 → 50.
Melee damage increased from 4 → 5.
Damage against the Stone Golem and its minions reduced from 75 → 15.
Made the recipe easier, which you can find here.
New Features:
- Added custom sounds for the Stone Golem and its minions.
Added new abilities to the Stone Golem, making encounters more challenging.
New abilities:
Projectile Attack: Fires several stone projectiles at its target.
Speed Boost: Gains a temporary speed boost for 3 seconds.
Minion Summon: Spawns two smaller minions with the same properties but lower health and higher speed.
- The Stone Golem cycles through these abilities every 7.5 seconds.
- Introduced the Golem’s Wand, a healing tool dropped by the Stone Golem (right-click to heal).
- Added the Hammer, a new tool that deals significantly more damage to the Stone Golem, making it easier to defeat it.
- The Stone Golem now spawns more frequently and spawns in more biomes.