Streive's Weapons

Streive's Weapons


Streive's Weapons mod adds diverse firearms with realistic mechanics and customization options to Minecraft. Craft, customize, and wield powerful guns for enhanced combat and exploration experiences.

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Created5 months ago
Updated4 months ago

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Streive's Weapons Mod

This mod is the newest weapon mod but it is pre release it does not have too much things!

So we have only these guns






Diverse Arsenal: Streive's Weapons introduces a diverse arsenal of firearms, ranging from pistols and rifles to shotguns and heavy machine guns. Each weapon is uniquely designed with its own characteristics, including damage output, firing rate, and range, allowing players to choose their preferred playstyle.

Customization Options: Players have the opportunity to customize their weapons with various attachments such as scopes, grips, and muzzle devices, enhancing their performance and versatility in different situations. Experiment with different combinations to suit your tactical needs.

Crafting and Acquisition: Obtain these powerful firearms through a combination of crafting recipes, looting from enemies, or trading with NPCs. Streive's Weapons seamlessly integrates into the existing Minecraft world, providing a balanced progression system for acquiring these advanced tools.

Realistic Mechanics: Experience realistic weapon mechanics, including bullet physics, recoil, and reloading mechanisms. Master the art of marksmanship as you adapt to the intricacies of each firearm and hone your combat skills in the challenging Minecraft environment.

Compatibility and Mod Support: Streive's Weapons mod is designed to be compatible with other popular Minecraft mods, ensuring a seamless integration into various gameplay setups. Additionally, modding support allows for community-driven expansions and updates, further enriching the gaming experience.

Balanced Gameplay: The development team behind Streive's Weapons prioritizes balanced gameplay, ensuring that the introduction of firearms does not overshadow the core Minecraft experience. Careful consideration is given to factors such as resource requirements, weapon effectiveness, and gameplay balance to maintain an enjoyable and fair environment for all players.

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Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID