-Revamped Brood Mother Boss with 2 phases -Added spider egg mob -Powers: Gliding, Wall Crawling, Web Slinging, Peak Physique and Enhanced Senses -Improved visuals for Chronokinesis, Mineral Absorption, and super speed -Improved Chronokinesis -Improved hitbox on Vibranium Shield -Sever Sword Can spawn a player head when you kill a player -Added skill tree -Added Settings page -Added Fang and fang dagger -Added Poison Enchantment -Added New Dripstone spider cave structure -Added Sling Ring -Added Red Kryptonite -Added batman and joker weapons
Added a Credit & Thanks Book Added Dark Magic Powers Dark Magic Texts Spell Book Magic Projectile Magic Siphon Undead Steed Shadow Capture Darkhold Added Electrogenesis Powers Shinobi Shinobi Headband Lightning Phantom Lightning Clone Added Healing Factor II Start healing in 5 seconds instead of 10. Shifting after 5 seconds activates burst healing, but forces you to wait 12 seconds before healing again. Added the Dark Witch boss Added the Kinetic tech upgrade Added the Siphon Scythe Added the Kryptonite Knife Added the Bifrost Blade Added Fear Toxin Added the Gold Suit Ring Added the Blade of Balance Added the Playful Cloud Added the Salt Grenade Added the Vibranium Shield Added the First Avenger Shield Added the Cheesifier Added the Shinobi Trim Revamped Energy Construct Powers Energy Ring Energy Lasso Energy Shield Updated Energy Block functionality. Revamped Batman Utility Belt Batarangs Boomerang Mode Explosive Mode Stun Mode Grappling Hook Smoke Grenade Absolute Axe Added a new “SH+ Weapons” Creative Tab Updated the Deafened effect overlay texture. Trickery now leaves behind a substitute in your place. Dimensional Travel no longer has any effect on the power limit.
**Current Features: ** Speed Force Smithing Template Kryptonian Smithing Template Spider Smithing Template Lantern Smithing Template Training Dummy Electrokinesis - Acquired by brewing a serum base then brewing a greenlight mixture into it made with pulverized copper and super-charged extract (using a syringe on a charged creeper). Energy Constructs - Acquired by training with a training dummy with the electroball. Unstable Meteorite Ore & Unstable Molecules Unstable Leather Armor Mirakuru Serum Healing Factor - Acquired by drinking Mirakuru serum. Strength Artifact Scroll Super Strength - Acquired by punching a training dummy whilst off-handing the Strength Artifact Scroll and having an active strength status effect. Fantastic Smithing Template Punisher Smithing Template Super Leaping - Acquired by brewing a potion out of a serum base and a rabbit's foot. Super Speed - Acquired by injecting yourself with Velocity-X and getting struck by lightning. Web Swinging - Acquired by getting bitten by a radioactive spider. Flight - Acquired by crafting and drinking the Potion of Flight. Pyrokinesis - Acquired by injected a binding agent while in lava. Welder Smithing Template Cryokinesis - Acquired by surviving freezing for 2 minutes then drinking the Serum Base. Super Suits