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-new item textures

-fixed movement issues

-new item textures -fixed movement issues

-new item textures -major bug fixed with client-server ship rotation -improved ship smoothness

fixed client-server ship rotation, ships now rotation for all players on server ship rotation has been made smooth new item textures

1.20.4 port of 2.6.4b

-attempted to fix an issue where ship rotation is client side, ship rotation is set to a player Var(client side) and an entity Var(server side) and the yaw is set twice now, one to player Var and the other to the entity Var, its not a great fix but it should work

-ship speed is configurable with the command "/shipspeed {number}" (default is 1)

-made ship throttle reset to 0 when the ships velocity is 0 and ship throttle is higher than 8

more under the hood work

replaced all mentions of the ships in the movement code with tags related to the ships size so addon mods and community mods can be easily made

tags are




next update will contain a new entity tag called "forge:custom_ship" which will have all the entity specific code such as tick update set so custom ships can literally be empty entities with the entity tags "forge:custom_ship" and a "forge:{size}_ship" which determines the turn radius and turn speed of the ship

-cleaned up loose code that doesn't do anything anymore such as removing the forge attribute "swim speed" attached to the ships as its not needed anymore, and entity specific buoyancy, rather i just made a buoyancy script for each ship size and set it to the ships tick update

-fixed some other issues such as a harsh jitter on the larger ships when the yaw was close to 0, still some jank when it switches from 360 degrees to 0, but it should be pretty much fixed

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Technical information

Client side
Server side
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