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Backend update

  • Major refactor
  • Improved error handling, groups.json is now much more forgiving and can have missing sections
  • Some "translations" to other English dialects

Added translation strings for config tooltips

Major update:

  • Configuration file to make "groups" that colour/format usernames on tab
  • Option to remove header and footer of tab
  • Overall refactoring

There is now some better documentation over on GitHub, if you need specific help with anything join the Discord server.

New feature to highlight names on tab. Hacky implementation and is currently experimental but will likely be refined later.

What's Changed

Added minimums to config settings to prevent crashes when values were set to 0 or lower

No actual changes, just set the default maxRows to be a hard number as the adaptive option isn't quite what I imagined, will probably rework it in the future.

Added "adaptive tab" option allowing the amount of rows to change depending on how many players are online

Changed config API to Cloth as owo-lib was causing a lot of issues for users, let me know if you have any issues at my Discord!

Added a config page

External resources

Project members



Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID