TCDCommons API

TCDCommons API


TheCSDev's personal library mod for the Minecraft modding enviroment.

Client or server Utility

Created2 years ago
Updated2 days ago

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Filter versions...
  • Added some more utility methods in UILayout
  • Added TStackTracePanel, a TPanelElement that allows you to show the user a "stack-trace", aka an error that took place
  • Improved the TStackTraceScreen
  • An adjustment to the contact User-Agent for this mod, that provides more clarity and more information
  • Improvements to the mod's networking code for better readability and to make it easier to build upon it
  • TCDCommons's custom payload network now supports sending over large chunks of data. This is done by splitting large data into multiple smaller packets. The size maximum limit is technically infinite, but I do not recommend those using this API to send infinitely-large files over the network.
  • Added a basic dialog box screen, to allow mods to display simple dialog boxes via this API
  • Fixed a bug with the scroll-bar widget
  • Ported to Minecraft 1.21


  • This version is incompatible with mods using older versions of this API, due to changes that were done to the networking protocol. Please be cautious.
  • This version depends on Fabric API, but I hope to someday figure out a way to make this mod independent from Fabric API (again...)
  • Same as v3.9.7, but recompiled using 1.20.6 build settings; which is just a different way of saying "Port to 1.20.6".
    • Note that v3.9.7 should work on 1.20.6 as well, so there's really no need to download this one.
  • Same changelogs from other v3.9.7 releases...
  • ...but this one also depends on Fabric API.
  • General tweaks and bug fixes
  • File explorer crash fix for Java 21
  • TCDCommons now has a proper mod icon. The new icon intends to highlight the mod's purpose as a "GUI library".
  • Port to 1.20.5

General bug fixes and tweaks.

The CachedResourceManager now cleans up cached resources less frequently (aka every 3h instead of 30min), so as to save up on performance.

  • Fixed Issue #11
  • The cached resource manager will now clear cache every 30min instead of every 5min
  • Failures to clear cached resources will now show up as warnings in the console, instead of errors, so as to avoid further confusion

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Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID