Minecraft: Java Edition
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Published 9 months ago
Updated last month
Tears of Despair
Nightmare Fuel Edition
This minecraft mod makes progression absolutely brutal! And not only progression mobs have enhanced AI, higher stats, progressional difficulty just tons of fun stuff. Still not convinced? Play it yourself to see, glad to see you suffer >:)
Durability changing mod higly recommended
Little Features Update
Altered Recipes
- All tools
- All redstone components
- Wool to string
- Crafting table
- Planks
- Sticks
- Slowed metal smelting and blasting
- Slowed food smelting and smoking
- Glass Bottle
- Fishing Rod
- Bow
- Crossbow
- Loom
- Lead
- Shield
- Shears
- Bed
- Carpet
- Banner
- Painting
- Torch
- Chest
- Arrow
- Lantern
- Soul Lantern
- Armor Stand
- Barrel
- Beehive
- Campfire
- Soul Campfire
- Candle
- Cartography Table
- Fletching Table
- Glass Pane
- Glow Item Frame
- Grindstone
- Honeycomb Block
- Item Frame
- Ladder
- Soul Torch
- Shulker Box
- Smoker
- Heavy weighted pressure plate
- Light weighted pressure plate
- Lectern
- Lever
- Sticky piston
- Target
- Block of Amethyst
- Block of Quartz
- Bricks
- Chain
- Haybale
- Scaffolding
- Iron, Golden, Diamond and Netherite Armor
- A lot of foods
- Colored beds
- Paper (removed, replaced with chiseling)
- Ender Eye
- Blaze Rods
- Boats
- All Rails
- Bonemeal (removed, replaced with chiseling)
- Sugar (removed, replaced with chiseling)
- Cake
- Brush
Added Recipes
- Clay Bricks
- Forgotten Armor Pieces
- Netherite Armor (made from forgotten armor)
- Dough
- Deepslate variants of recipes with smooth stone
- Flitn Chisel
- Totem of Undying
- Copper Nugget
- Diamond Nugget
- All raw bits
- Diamond Shard
- Stripped Bamboo Block
Current Items & Blocks
- Block of Steel
- Forgotten Block
- Loose Cobblestone
- Loose Deepslate Cobblestone
- Smooth Deepslate
- Uncompleted Crafting Table
- Withered Grass Block
- Withered Grass
- Stripped Bamboo
Following blocks are available in variants of:
|Oak|Spruce|Birch|Jungle|Acacia|Dark oak|Mangrove|Cherry|Crimson|Warped
- Processed | Log
- | Core
- Wooden Handle
- Steel Handle
- Steel Tool Binding
- Netherite Handle
- Netherite Tool Binding
- Cloth
- Compact String
- Redstone Shard
- Steel Chunk
- Steel Ingot
- Steel Nugget
- Forgotten Cheekplate
- Withered Bone
- Clay Brick
- Forgotten Armor Pieces
- Forgotten Cheekplate
- Forgotten Tools
- Forgotten Armor
- Raw Bread
- Raw Dough
- Raw Cookie
- Totem
- Shattered Eye of Ender
- Withered Bonemeal
- Phantom Fang
- Flint Chisel
- Copper Nugget
- Grass Fiber
- Crystalized Honey
- Smoked Carrot
- Rotten Fish
- Stale Stew
- Stale Bread
- Raw Copper Bit
- Raw Iron Bit
- Raw Golden Bit
- Diamond Nugget
- Diamond Shard
Following blocks are available in variants of:
- | Backplate
- | Breastplate
- | Cuisse
- | Faulds
- | Greaves
- | Poleyns
- | Shoulder Pad
Following items are available in variants of:
- | Apple
- | Beetroot
- | Carrot
- | Melon
- | Glow Berry
- | Sweet Berry
Entity Mechanics
- Wither skeletons inflict wither 1 for few seconds to you when being hit and apply resistance to them each time increasing resistance level, best way to deal with them is to minimise being hit killing them with highest tier and enchanted with max smite so they get least amount of reistance, also they get strength each time they damage you without any limit
- Spiders inflict poison, when spawning in jungles or dripstone caves or lush caves they spawn few cave spiders as well
- Cave spiders inflict higer poison, weakness, mining fatique and give themself regeneration when being hit
- Phantoms inflict poison
- Blaze inflict fire when attacking you (when getting up close to you not when shooting fireballs)
- Slimes shoot slime volley and the player
- Entitys can see players from up to 98 blocks away
- Creepers move even when about to explode
- A lot of mobs have upgraded stats like health, speed and attack damage
- Some entitys like spider, piglins, illagers or ender dragon call for help other entitys, like piglins call other piglins and piglin brutes, this has radius of 256 blocks or 16 chunks
- There are now 3 progress difficulties, 1 starting difficulty (zombies have 40hp), 2 difficult when reaching iron pickaxe (zombies have 60 hp), 3 when getting any diamond armor (zombies have 80 hp) Bosses do not scale on this difficulty
Other Mechanics
- If your low on hunger, health, or oxygen you will gain a set amount of negative effects, this effects scales when on 1 hearth, addtionally when jumping on 3 food bars will result tiny jump
- Breaking fire is now impossible
- When rightlicking with chisel in your mainhand and another item in your offhend or reverse you will start chiseling that item, after a LONG amount of time you will chisel out an item. Currently there are few recipes which will soon be compatible with JEI
- Chiseling can also apply to blocks, right clicking with item (optional) in off hand and chisel in mainhand or reverse will turn the block into diffrent block and consume optional item
- Golden apples and enchnated golden apples have cooldown
- If you don't want to harvest poisonous foods fertilize your crops with withered bone meal, only doable if your crop is in early stages and has not been wither bonemealed before.
- Sleeping makes you hungry
- Goat drops loot
- When harvesting crops breaking it with hands won't drop anything, instead a hoe is needed to break the breaks, additonally there is chance for your crop to drop as poisonous variants and crop drops have been reduced
- Phantom drops phangs, hitting an enemy with phantom phang will give they strong poison and cooldown the fang if the mob is not immune
- Fishing now requires bait in offhand or mainhand
- Slime has new attack where it shoots slimeballs at players, the player can do the same
- Eating poisonous food will always inflict stronger poison, stale foods will always inflict strong nausea and rotten foods will always inflict strong hunger
- Breaking logs will turn them into stripped logs, breaking stripped logs will turn them into processed logs, breaking processed logs will turn them into cores
- Breaking stone turns it into cobblestone breaking cobblestone turs it into loose cobblestone
- Activating totem kills you and you loose totem, to get totem of undying which saves your life you need to combine totem with nether star
- Getting wither effect or killing wither skeleton can result in grass block below you or wither skeleton to turn into withered grass block, withered grass blocks can infect other grass blocks and turn them into more grass blocks, simmilary it can infect grass into withered grass and infect flowers into withered roses
- If you break bamboo or right click with axe on it, it will turn into stripped bamboo, stripped bamboo can be collected as item and crafted into block of stripped bamboo
- Added few advancements, withering disease when grass turns into withered grass, Bad farmer when eating poisonous food, Chiseling your path craft a chisel**
More coming in future updates
Join My Discord if you found bug, suggest addition or want to chat with me!