- Added gun attachments:
When holding a gun, you can press the "Z" key to open the attachment menu and install suitable parts.
- Guns can now have several fire modes:
By default you can switch fire mode by pressing the "B" key.
- Guns can now be loaded with different ammo types:
If you have several types of ammo of the same caliber in your inventory, you can choose which ones to load into your weapon. The default key for selecting ammo type is "N".
- Updated gun hud:
The hud now displays the fire mode and current ammo type.
-Added procedurally generated shelters:
While exploring the wasteland, you may come across underground Vault-Tec structures, some of which will be quite large, some will be in ruins or not even completed.
- Added skin system:
You can paint an guns and power armor with a paint bucket but first you need to clean it of rust using Industrial Abraxo Cleaner. To use Abraxo or paint, you need to right-click on the desired item in your inventory. The cleaner will be used up completely and the paint bucket can be used 12 times.
- Added repair kits:
A repair kit will allow you to restore the durability of your equipment. To do this you need to right-click on the item you want to repair with the repair kit (One click with the repair kit will restore only a small percentage of durability, if you want to use the whole repair kit at once press the “Ctrl” key)
- Vault door rework:
The vault door now can be opend with the control panel. To interact with the door control panel you need to wear a Pipboy.
- New weapons: Classic laser pistol and spear
- New clothes: Vault-Tec Jumpsuit
-And smaller updates such as:
- New texture for Brahmin
- New texture for Pipboy
- New item icons
- New grenades
Biomes update:
Poison Valley:
- New plants
- Acid lakes
- Smoke geisers
- More vegetation
- Ores: aluminium, coal, copper
Cranberry Bog:
- Lots of new vegetation
- Ultracite rifts. Watch out, it's extremely dangerous!
- Tree rework
- Ores: ultracite, silver, coal ** Glowing Sea:**
- Added fog
- Irradiated fauna
- Ores: ultracite, uranium, coal
Ash Heap:
- Added fog
New guns:
- Laser pistol
- Gatling laser
- Waser wifle
- Tesla rifle
- Pump-action shotgun
- Military flamer
- Homemade flamer
Added sound effects:
- Pipboy
- Mini nuke explosion
- Missing gun sounds
Gun logic has been moved to a separate library (NukaTeam's Gun Lib)