1.0 Release is here and its big!
- Many new block types including Moss Vines, Old Cobblestone, potted small dripleaf, and Grassy Sand!
All mod crafting recipes are reversable now!
Lots of model fidelity and fixes, no more weird z-fighting or gaps.
The Wiki will be outdated for a while as theres a lot of stuff to cover.
Big Update with lots of fixes and additions!
- Added "Neat" Ferns.
- Added Red and Pink Cobbled sandstone blocks.
- Added ability for stuff to be planted on cobbled sandstone blocks, crushed deepslate and crushed basalt.
- Added Directional Quartz Bricks.
- Changed Flowering Jungle Leaves.
- Fixed Drops of a few blocks.
- Added Recipe for Alarm Block.
- Added Sharp Grass back into To the Creative Menu
- fixed Old Growth plant hitbox sizes
- Split everything into more Creative Menus.