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Tnt Cannon


This mod is highly influenced by Fox's Handheld Cannon which adds a tnt cannon weapon. You can load it with different ammo types and shoot projectiles. Currently you can shoot TNT, cannon balls, fire charges or simply use powder for rocket jump. А few enchantments are available also. Mod supports English and Russian languages.


Fabric API 0.76.0+

Fabric loader 0.14.22+

Installation: Drop .jar file into mods folder.


TNT - launches a charged TNT towards your sight. Does not damage living entities on direct hit, but creates explosion, which damages entities and destroys environment shortly afterwards.
Cannon ball - laucnhes a cannon ball towards your sight. Does a huge damage (much more than TNT) to living entities on direct hit and creates a small explosion, which does not destroy environment.
Fire charge - launches a fire charge towards your sight.
Powder - does not launch anything. May be usefull for rocket jumping.


Tnt Cannon :

tnt cannon

Cannon ball :

Cannon ball


Quick Reload - reduces reload time
Fast Fuse - reduces tnt fuse time
Sturdy Footing (1-3) - reduces recoil
Volatile Gunpowder (1-3) - increases shooting projectile range and overall recoil

Credits and License

Original "Fox's Handheld Cannon" mod and idea by foxinthebox__. All enchantments except "Fast Fuse" is his original idea as well.

All models made by Non using Blockbench tool.

You can freely use this mod in modpacks, credit is appreciated.

Project members



Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID