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add extra damage zunda tag

buffed Zunda Arrow when Zunda Bow shoot that

ShudofuSpider now multipart

enderman now damage when hit zunda arrow(ender dragon and endermite too)

fixed batch enchantment level

fixed creative tab crash

change tofunian statue loot table

fixed zunda bow enchantment

support new neoforge version

fixed morijio stop the trial spawner spawn

add tofu flower and add bee growables

soy healthy effect mechanic changed

rice root now grow

food plate render fix

backport tf energy mechanic. and Backport TFBattery

backport Tofu Flower

backport Tofunian mechanic(Which mean Tofu Village no longer made raid)

fixed portal overlay

fixed tool and armor tag not have in tofucraft armor or tool

fixed tofu fish cannot swim

fix portal overlay

Add TF Battery(also customizable on command)

TF Battery make recharge the tofu tool durability and TF Tools!

fixed tf consume

fixed cow food tag

fixed fishing loot_table on soymilk

fixed tofunian poi manager... again

fixed tofunian poi manager

fixed tofu golem behavior

fixed tofunian poi manager

fixed tofu armor durability

fixed tofu tool attribute

fixed tofunian crash when check the statue

If tofu village too far away. tofunian forgot village

fixed golem not moving tofu village

fixed particle

fixed armor and tool stack

fixed particle behavior

fixed armor texture

tofunian now no longer stack each other in bed

fixed hitbox about tofu slime

fixed tofunian child rendering

tofunian village no longer make raid

support 1.20.6

fixed salt furnace make freeze

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