250 CurseForge Downloads special! Adds new enchantments:
- Breath of Svarog: Imbued with the heat of Svarog himself, this enchantment allows tools to melt nearly anything they touch. However, this powerful ability comes at a cost: you cannot apply Fortune or Silk Touch enchantments to the same item.
- Loot Rogue: Increases your chances of receiving double loot from defeated mobs by up to 33%. Get ready to fill your pockets!
- Negation Zone: Creates a zone around the player that nullifies incoming projectiles. While this makes you virtually invulnerable to ranged attacks, it's the only enchantment that can be applied to the item.
Thanks everyone for downloading, update now and start your adventure!
Fixed bug that caused item stack creating an empty tags which lead to unstackable items(thanks to Game_Over_Real for reporting bug)
Thanks everyone for 100 downloads at CurseForge! I really appreciated this! I will continue make new enchantments. CHANGELOG: New enchantment - Paradoxical Unbreaking!(100 downloads special) Features: Makes tool unbreakable, but it cannot be enchanted with Fortune or Silk Touch, and will disappear after death. Fixed crash on 1.20.2 which caused by unequip boots with Traveller 3.
And again - thanks everyone.
Fixed Magnetic enchantment name. Added description to enchantments to be availible with Enchantment Description Mod. Adjusted rarity of enchantments WIP. Works with 1.20.2