- Block: XP Drain, converts experience points from the player standing on top into XP Juice and stores it in a tank sitting below
- Block: XP Shower, converts XP Juice - from the tank it's attached to - into experience orbs when a player is standing below it
- Fluid: XP Juice, liquid representation of experience
- Block: Rope ladders now expand into water instead of overwriting it with air.
Full Changelog:
- Tool: Spades, will break blocks like a shovel in a 3x3x1 area
- Block: Rope Ladder, will continue to place it self downwards as far as possible
- Tool: Hammers don't break blocks like a shovel anymore, reduced durability
- Block: Flags can now be Waterlogged and be lit underwater using glow ink sac.
- Block: Simplified the place logic for Angel Blocks, they will now always appear under your feet, when placed into the air.
Mod Integration
- Added optional dependency to Mekanism
- Added Recipe: Mekanism Painting Recipes to recolor the Flags
Full Changelog:
Added Blocks: Flags in all 16 colors.
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