Version Release v1.0.3 Fabric-1.20.1 - The Piano Update !
- This mod now requires TipsyLib version 4.0.0 or higher!
- Added pianos, can be crafted in any wood variant
- Toilets can now be sat on (alongside a new statistic for it)
- Added a custom damage type for toasters that are wet (pierces armor like normal toaster damage type)
- Toasters will now emit smoke when in water
- Toasters will no longer be turned on by default
- Toaster damage will no longer pierce enchantments, potion effects, and resistance unless it is in water
- Updated the recipe of towels to output 2 instead of 1
- Slightly tweaked toilet paper item texture
- Capitalized the blue text on the toolbox tooltip to be consistent with other items
- (Farmer's Delight) Ovens and radiators(?) will now count as a Farmer's Delight heat source
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the particle texture of every single block in the mod :')
- Fixed sounds of opening and closing washing machines and dryers
- The rendering of ovens, washing machines, and dryers have all been cleaned up
- Fixed stainless steel trapdoor using the wrong trapdoor model
- Many blocks now use the correct item model rotations and positions when in screens or held
- Fixed an issue that caused the toaster to deal both the normal and wet damage when in water
- Fixed missing translations for open appliances statistic
- Removed the clock
Version Release v1.0.2 Fabric-1.20.1 - The Porcelain Cats & Dogs Update !
- Porcelain now outputs 8 porcelain per recipe
- An alternative recipe has been added for porcelain that requires 2 quartz and 2 clay balls and outputs 8 porcelain
- Dark porcelain is now crafted from 8 porcelain and 1 chromite and outputs 8 dark porcelain
- Removed "Faucets Used" statistic (was a part of an unfinished feature)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed missing stainless steel nugget recipe (fr this time)
- Fixed missing stainless steel ingot recipe from nuggets
- Fixed missing wall picture frame block drops
- Added missing wall picture frame translation (only noticeable with mods like Jade)
- Floor lamp did not emit light when lit
- Adjusted vented turbine model to fix z-fighting issue
Version Release v1.0.1 Fabric-1.20.1
Bug Fixes
- Fixed missing stainless steel nugget recipe
- Fixed missing particle textures on washing machine
- Fixed some model issues (unsure which Tellio did not document these fixes)
- There are other issues, bugs, and balancing (with recipes) that will be addressed soon, the nugget recipe was just a big hitter I wanted to fix ASAP !
Version Release v1.0.0 Fabric-1.20.1
- Released the mod
- This mod is a project that had been in development for months, most of which it was stuck at a "99% done" standing. This was back when I was a Fabric only developer, I plan to rewrite the mod's code for MultiLoader and also just to better the code itself like the rest of my projects then after which new content updates may release. I decided since it is in a playable state I may aswell release this version of the mod, so enjoy :)