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Modrinth Requires Fabric API

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Simple tools for the survival experience. This should act as a replacement to having tons of mods for things like Fullbright, Zoom etc.


Short Overview

  • Fullbright / Custom Gamma / Night Vision
  • Zoom
  • Light Overlay
  • Client Side Time & Weather
  • Unpin all texture packs (Forced Server Resource Pack Bypass)
  • Auto-Copy Screenshots
  • Hide Pumpkin Overlay
  • Lower Fire & Shield (Customizable)
  • Turn off different types of Fog individually or all together

Fullbright / Gamma

Gamma Comparison

Change your Gamma above the normal limits. The intended usage is to get Fullbright (Night Vision), but the Gamma can also be changed to a low value.


Use /fullbright or the Toggle Fullbright keybinding to switch between 1500% (Max) or 100% (Default) gamma.

Use /fullbright [value] to change your gamma to any positive value.!

You can toggle the normal / fullbright Gamma values in the settings (Accessible via ModMenu)


Zoom in (or out) with a simple hotkey. You can use a smooth zoom or an instant zoom.


Hold the Zoom keybinding to switch into zoom mode.

Change the zoom multiplier (how far it zooms in) in the settings. To modify the zoom animation, change the Zoom Speed (Number from 0 to 1, 1 = Instant)

Light Overlay

Light Overlay example

Display the light levels of nearby blocks in real-time. Useful to spawn-proof with torches.


Use the Toggle Light Overlay keybinding to toggle on or off.

You can set the threshold for a green texture in the settings under Light Overlay Threshold.

Client Time & Client Weather

Change your local time to DAY,NOON,NIGHT,MIDNIGHT and disable rain. This also works on servers since it is only client side.


You can change the time and weather in the settings (/utools config or in ModMenu). Alternatively you can change the time with /clienttime set day|noon|night|midnight and reset with /clienttime reset.

Unpin Texture Packs

This allows you to unpin all texture packs. Doing so, you can move all texture packs independent of their intended order. This is especially useful when a server forces a resource pack which you don't want. To bypass, you can just move the server pack to the bottom, below the default textures since it is no longer pinned.


The setting to unpin all packs is located in the settings (/utools config or via ModMenu)

Copy Screenshots

When taking screenshots, the images will be automatically copied to the clipboard.


Toggleable in the settings

Several Visual Modifications

  • Hide the pumpkin on head overlay
  • Lower fire overlay (customizable)
  • Lower shield (customizable)


Toggle / Customize in the config under the category Visual Modifications

Custom Fog

Allows you to enable / disable ALL types of fogs individually. See comparison in the nether for Terrain Fog below



See all fog types in config under Fog category. Turn them off to your likings.

Caution: Disabling fogs, especially darkness, blindness, lava and water fogs could be considered cheating or an unfair advantage by some players or server administrators.

Project members



Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID