Villager Recruits

Villager Recruits


Command your Villager army into war! Now with special AI’s and vanilla teams supported!

Client and server AdventureGame Mechanics MobsSocial

Createda year ago
Updated10 days ago

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Villager Recruits 1.11.2 [Forge - 1.20.1]


+ added "Promote" button to recruits inventory 
+ added Messenger Companion
+ added Messenger deliver message and item feature  
+ added Commander Companion
+ added Commander patrolling feature and commanding feature
+ added Commander resupply on first patrolling point feature
+ added Captain Companion
+ added Captain sea patrolling feature with small ships
+ added Captain resupply on first patrolling point feature
+ added Captain naval battle AI and AI to shoot cannons
+ added repair ship and refill cannonballs for captain
+ added Biome specific recruit textures
+ added variants textures for human configuration
+ added Team color layer to recruits
+ added upkeep support for double chests
+ added hire without payment in creative mode
+ added currency and amount display on all screens with payment
+ added config for spawn equipment pool (details described in config)
+ added config for food blacklist (items in this list will not be eaten by recruits)

+ added compatibility with epic knights mod (recruits are effected by weapon range and speed)
+ added compatibility with corpse mod (dead recruits will spawn a corpse)
+ added AI to block with weapons from epic knights mod if possible
+ added compatibility with vanilla team commands
+ added initial arrows to new spawned ranged recruits when config "needArrowsToShoot" is true
+ added more options for debug screen
+ added protecting recruits mount protects vehicle
+ added enderman and zombified piglin into target blacklist
+ added red overlay to passive and ignoring indication
+ added item icons for units profession
+ added dismount and clear upkeep button to recruits inventory 

+ improved overall server side performance on all AI Tasks
+ improved bowman and crossbowman attack range
+ improved bowman and crossbowman movement
+ improved pathfinder (recruits will not jump 2 blocks deep) 
+ improved musket features (recruits will take cartridges from upkeep)

+ fixed upkeep not working
+ fixed hunger issue with other mods
+ fixed ridden horses cant swim
+ fixed duplication and incorrect equipment of hand and offhand slots
+ fixed recruits try to mount horses that are already ridden
+ fixed recruits forgot their mount when they mounted without order
+ fixed recruits self targeting
+ fixed rare crash with path fining
+ fixed items can get in offhand/mainhand slot when upkeeping
+ fixed upkeep action does not save container properly
+ fixed recruits do not open chests visualy
+ fixed friendly fire to players horses
+ fixed screen with text input would closed when pressing e


recruits-1.20.1-1.11.2.jar(1.6 MiB) Primary Download

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Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID