Watchdog AntiCheat Update 0.2 for 1.19
- Added a "Kick Message" option in the server config to be able to edit the kick message.
- Fixed the issue with the our custom disconnect screen interfering with other screens.
- Fixed the "generated-mods-list.txt" and "generated-texturepacks-list.txt" files keep generating the old data in the same file.
- The mod checks if the resource pack folder is being manipulated after the player joins and try's bypassing. That issue is now fixed.
- Added two new config values "Gamma Checker" and "Max Gamma Value" which checks the "gamma" value in the clients options.txt file and checks if the clients value is greater than the server's value if this option is enabled.
- Updated the message embeds for the discord webhook integration.
- Added another two new config values "Auto Click Checker" and "Max Auto Click Value" which checks how many clicks per second a player is left or right clicking. If it is above the Max value that is set then it will kick the player if this option is enabled.
- Added two new commands "/wacwhitelistmods" and "/wacwhitelisttp" (you need OP to use these commands) these commands allow you to automatically whitelist your clients mods or texture packs that you have. This is easier for modpack creators to setup the mod quickly. (Whitelist your account name on the server config so you won't get kicked for having not allowed mods and then run the commands.)
- Updated to latest forge version.