2.4.0 - 1.21.1
- Spell Engine 1.5 Update
- fix Attribute Registry
- changed some cooldowns and casting times
- Add Dark Oak Forest Witcher Grave Structure
- Igni & Aard are now Tier 1 Spells
- Yrden, Axii & Quen stay at Tier 2
- New Fencing Spell Tier-list: 1.Witcher Reflexes 2.Battle Trance 3.Rend 4.Whirl
- added Witcher Related Spell Scrolls to the Witcher Grave-Loot Tables
- Reduce Rend Cooldown & Cast Duration
- Update to Fabric Loom 1.9
- Add Particles To the Axii Puppet Effect
- Fixed Axii Puppet effect, that the affected mob targets other mobs
- remove Aard-Spells ability to block arrows
2.2.2 - 1.21
Spell Scroll Update
- Spell Allocation
- The Alternate Signs can be found via the new loot-able Spell Scrolls
- The Alternate Signs can be added to the Master Witcher Spell Book
- This can be done on the Spell Binding Table
- The Master Witcher Spell Book can only contain 7 Spells
- Whirl cast duration was reduced to 2.5 from 3.5
- Witcher Reflexes cast duration was increased to 0.5 from 0.25
- added the missing sign intensity & adrenaline burst effect (Attribute Boosting Effect)
- renamed the spell book item ids
- BREAKING FOR TEXTURE PACKS: Changed the paths for textures in the model files
- CONFIG RESET: Your custom item Configs got reset, the config file is now called: "items_v5"
- Added magic damage types for each sign school and silver
- Added entity type tags for targets that are vulnerable to a specific sign
- Added Entity Type for Axii Immunity (Mostly for Bosses)
- If a target is vulnerable to a specific sign, the damage gets increased
- Cleaned up the code of relic witcher swords
- Added a tweaks config file
- Added a Witcher Grave Structure for Witcher Related Loot
- Relic Witcher Swords can only be found in Witcher Related structure chests now and in the future (LNE Witcher Add On)
- Rend Spell damage now scales with adrenaline effect amplifier
- Casting damaging signs (aard & igni) increases your adrenaline now
- Added the Stagger Effect
- Made the passive for all relic swords configurable
- The ultimatum sword applies stagger instead of fire
- Added missing textures of status effects
- The Kaer Morhen Set now acts as an early- to mid-game armor choice
- Changed Armor Set Bonuses
- You now can level up your Witcher School Armor!
- Added "smithing template" diagrams for each witcher school armor (Enhanced & Superior Tier)
- New Armor: Wolven Witcher-School Armor
- Wolven Gear is a hybrid medium armor type
- Superior witcher gear is fireproof like Netherite gear
2.0.4 - 1.21
- CONFIG Your effects config got overwritten, use effects_v1 now
- forgot to add silver & steel swords to their tags
- added more configured_feature variants for the witcher ores
- tweaked some numbers for the ores
- made the dark iron ore brighter
- added a meteorite like geode
- added netherrack dark iron ore
- adrenaline effect amplifier now gets decreased on receiving damage (like in TW3 game)