This changelog is for the first version of the modrinth upload, look at the curseforge changelogs for more info. Thanks!
Added fusions:
Sacred Sword (fusion of electrumight and ancient stone)
Frostburn (fusion of frostslash with phoenix blade)
Flail (fusion of echo and dark star) This weapon will need to be reworked in the future.
Collect fusion upgrade fragments rarely in ancient cities, once you collect 9 you can make a fusion blueprint.
Fusion Blueprints can not be duplicated
Frostburn effect just combines abilities of frosted and seared.
Added Dazing Enchantment for the Darkstar and Morningstar maces (and their variants too) Darkstar's enemy slowing ability is now controlled completely through the dazing enchantment. (The Dark Prince's mace is a bit special because it doesn't need Dazing , but if you have it on the weapon it just increases the enchantment by 1)