Host your Minecraft server on BisectHosting - get 25% off your first month with code MODRINTH.

Origin Overview:

Primary: Summon (45s cd)

  • two enhanced wolves are summoned, they have the following tweaks
  • +1hp of true dmg when they attack
  • -3hp base dmg
  • -50% incoming dmg
  • 1.4x movement speed
  • +1 heal charge per attack to the owner (they are tamed to the user on summon)
  • vanish after 15s
  • ghostly appearance

Secondary: Healing (10s cd)

  • At the cost of 4 charges (4 charges can be stored max) the instant health 1 is given to an entity you look at which is within 16 blocks. If you miss it is applied to you instead.

Tertiary: Invisibility and Glow (toggled with loadHotbarActivator)

  • Glow: (change ==1.0 to >0.66)
  • Wolves or other wolfkins within render distance will glow yellow for you
  • Entities below 2/3 hp within 10 blocks will glow red (wolves/wolfkins orange instead of red)
  • Invisibility: (Armour not rendered, but particles do appear) You will be invis IF:
  • Under moonlight when the block light level is <=5 and not in water
  • NOT under sunlight, when the block light level is <=4 and not in water
  • Sneaking and not in water 8s cd when:
  • you take/deal dmg
  • break a block


  • You can walk on powdered snow and are immune to frost dmg (this will not work without extraorigins, but the rest of the origin will)
  • You cannot deal melee or ranged dmg to wolves
  • If you attack a mob within 16 blocks of wild wolves, they will also attack the mob
  • You have slight night vision
  • Hunger effect immunity
  • Increased sprint speed while 3/4hp or less (boosted adrenaline effectively)
  • You spawn in a snowy taiga by default


  • You have 1.75x exhaustion
  • 4hp less than a normal player
  • You are a carnivore

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Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID