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1:1 Beta is a modpack aiming for near 100% parity between modern Minecraft versions and beta 1.7.3. It accomplishes this by utilizing a variety of mods, datapacks, and resourcepacks to revert Minecraft back to beta! This modpack was primarily made as a way of using the peak performance mods available for modern versions while still having the experience of playing b1.7.3.

What Makes This Pack Special? Aren't There Already Modpacks That Do This?

Most modpacks that try to do this recreate most of the beta features (like world gen, visuals, etc.), but are either missing some things or intentionally incorporate newer features. As previously mentioned, this modpack is different in that it completely disables 99% of all non-beta 1.7.3 features. This modpack also aims to use the newest Minecraft version compatible with the mods used, though 1.19.2 will likely be the version used for the foreseeable future.

How To Generate Beta Worlds:

  1. Singleplayer > Create New World
  2. Game Mode Survival, Difficulty: Hard
  3. Click More World Options, and turn off "Generate Structures".
  4. Keep clicking world type until it says "Beta". From there, you can click "Customize" and choose "Faithful" or Improved, or use "Custom" and turn on "Use Full World Height" if you prefer some even crazier terrain.

Key Features:

Most of these that I decided to explicitly state are exclusive features included in this modpack, any beta features you don't see listed have most likely already been added.

-Beta bonemeal!

-Only old music!

-Beta mob/loot tables!

-Beta VFX (damage tilt, Ghast charging, etc)!

-Beta windowed title and icon!

-Beta armor and armor system!

-Beta crafting recipes!

-Beta visuals (lighting, textures, sounds, fog, mipmap, etc)!

-Beautiful beta world generation!

-Disabled hunger, sprinting, xp, and enchanting!

-Beta mob-spawning!

-Beta combat! (mostly functional - just a few minor elements left to work out)

In addition to what's listed above, there are a few modern or other features I've decided to leave alone that I've deemed not to be too controversial, specifically:

-Wheat seeds are given by hoeing grass blocks (to compensate for grass not spawning nearly as much)

-Modern water physics/fall damage values

-Redstone ore, crafting tables, etc. have correct tool types assigned to them

-Title screen music is kept when joining worlds

-Inventory management (i.e. shift clicking)

-Modern fence, stair, etc. hitboxes

-Modern stair placement

-Modern boats

Known Bugs/Issues:

-Modern achievements (will be reverted to beta achievements next update)

-Sheep eat grass/regrow wool (looking for fix)

-Different base resource pack will be used next update (dev art classic discontinued but IMO is better than golden days)

-Dying signs (glow signs have been semi removed though)

-Waterlogging blocks (will remove as soon as this gets added to Nostalgic Tweaks)

-Crawling & Crouching into small spaces (same thing as above, though crouching has been fixed)

-Old Torches (Incompatible with sodium - if you want to sacrifice the performance, just delete sodium)

Any other bugs you come across, please report them to the bug report channel in my discord!


Many fabulous people created the things this modpack couldn't exist without. Please check the mods listed under the versions tab to see all of them, below you can find the resource and datapacks that gave permission to be used in this modpack:


Developer Art Classic Discontinued, temporarily replaced by: Golden Days (base)

No Log Rotation

Good Old Items

No Enchant Glint


All of the Betapacks

No Raw Ores

External resources

Project members



Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID